

Integer or floating point numbers annotated with an optional unit. See Kinds chapter.




Data value type


Scalar is an atomic value kind



Area of a shape or floor space


Measurement of a chiller ability to remove heat measured


Calibration value to apply to adjust the value read from the connector before updating curVal


Number with a unit of time


Timeout for messages send to the connector's actor thread


Linger timeout used to keep a connector open


Duration used for connector open retries


Duration used to configure the auto-ping feature on a given connector


Applied to haystackConn to tune the duration between watch polls


Rate limits the frequency for hisCollectCov


Enables interval history collection of the curVal


This tag configures how long to buffer collected history items in memory before flushing them to the historian


How long to wait before timing out on a modbus read


How long to wait before timing out on a modbus write


How long to wait between retries for messages that require acknowlegment


Duration between obixConn watch polls


Schedule events with given frequency


Frequency between polls of curVal


Time before a point's curStatus marked from "ok" to "stale" See Connector Tuning


The delay before transitioning to the steady state


Maximum time between writes used to send periodic writes


Minimum time between writes used to throttle the speed of writes


Elevation above sea-level of the location


Enables COV history collection of the curVal


Unitless integer number


Unitless integer indicating the floor's distance from ground level


Number between 1 and 16 used with haystackWrite to determine which priority level of the remote system is written to


Applied to modbusConn to allow for gaps in block reads


Applied to modbusConn to limit the maximum number of registers to read in a block read


Applied to modbusConn to identify the slave address on this modbus network


How many times to retry sending messages that require acknowlegment


Server export of a writable point as an obix:Writable:Point


Number between 1 and 16 used with obixWrite to determine which priority level of the remote system is written to


Stage number of staged equipment operation such as coil or pump


Current priority level for writeVal as number between 1 and 17


Original year of construction as four digit year such as 1980


Inclusive maximum for a numeric value


Inclusive minimum for a numeric value


MQTT Quality of Service (QoS)

  • 0 - At most once (fire-and-forget)
  • 1 - At least once
  • 2 - Exactly once