Project Haystack core definitions
accumulate |
Accumulate the tag's value during inheritance and defx |
association |
Associations model ontological relationships between definitions |
baseUri |
Base URI for normalizing relative URIs |
bool |
Boolean value |
children |
List of prototypes contained by this entity |
childrenFlatten |
List of aspects to flatten into children prototypes |
choice |
Choice specifies an exclusive marker selection |
computedFromReciprocal |
Indicates a relationship that is computed from its reciprocal |
containedBy |
The entity is logically contained by the referent |
contains |
Entities logically contained by this entity |
coord |
Geographic coordinate in latitude/longitude in decimal degrees |
date |
ISO 8601 date as year, month, day |
dateTime |
ISO 8601 timestamp followed by timezone identifier |
def |
Create a new definition bound to the given symbol |
defx |
Extends the given definition with additional meta tags |
depends |
List of this library's dependencies |
deprecated |
Obsoleted |
dict |
Map of name/value tag pairs |
dis |
Display name for an entity |
doc |
Documentation in simplified flavor of markdown |
docAssociations |
Generate a section in the docs for this association |
docTaxonomy |
Generate a taxonomy tree for this term in the documentationindex |
duration |
Number with a unit of time |
entity |
Top-level dicts with a unique identifier |
enum |
Defines an eumeration of string key names |
feature |
Feature namespace of definitions formatted as |
fileExt |
Filename extension such as "csv" |
filetype |
File format type definition |
filterStr |
Haystack filter string |
geoAddr |
Free form street address |
geoCity |
Geographic city or locality name |
geoCoord |
Geographic coordinate as |
geoCountry |
Geographic country as ISO 3166-1 two letter code |
geoCounty |
Geographic subdivision of US state |
geoElevation |
Elevation above sea-level of the location |
geoPlace |
Geographic place |
geoPostalCode |
Geographic postal code |
geoState |
State or province name |
geoStreet |
Geographic street address and name |
grid |
Two dimension table of columns and rows |
id |
Defines the unique identifier of an entity in system using a |
input |
Entity inputs a substance which flows from another entity |
inputs |
The entity inputs a substance from the referent |
int |
Unitless integer number |
is |
Defines one or more supertypes of a subtyping relationship |
kind |
Kind name used to identity a value data type |
lib |
Library module of symbolic definitions |
list |
Ordered list of zero or more values |
mandatory |
Requires that the marker be applied to dicts which use the marker's subtypes |
marker |
Marker labels a dict with typing information |
max |
Maximum |
maxVal |
Inclusive maximum for a numeric value |
mime |
Mime type formatted as type/subtype |
min |
Minimum |
minVal |
Inclusive minimum for a numeric value |
na |
Not available used to indicate invalid or missing data |
noSideEffects |
Marks a function or operation as having no side effects |
nodoc |
Undocumented and not officially supported |
nosrc |
Do not include source code in documentation |
notInherited |
Marker applied to a def to indicate that is not inherited into subtype definitions |
number |
Integer or floating point numbers annotated with an optional unit |
of |
Expected value type of a collection, reference, or choice |
op |
Operation for HTTP API |
openEnum |
Apply to str enum tags where the enumeration range is open ended |
output |
Entity outputs a substance with flows to other entities |
outputs |
The entity outputs a substance to the referent |
reciprocalOf |
Specifies the inverse of an association or relationships |
ref |
Reference to an entity |
relationship |
Ref tags used to model entity-to-entity relationships |
remove |
Singleton for remove operation |
scalar |
Scalar is an atomic value kind |
span |
Time span as modeled encoded as XStr |
str |
Unicode string of characters |
symbol |
Symbol to a def |
tagOn |
This tag is used on the given entity |
tags |
Tags used with this entity |
time |
ISO 8601 time as hour, minute, seconds |
transient |
Indicates a value tag which should not be persisted |
transitive |
This marker is applied to a |
tz |
Timezone identifier from standard timezone database |
unit |
Unit identifier from standard unit database |
uri |
Universal resource identifier |
val |
Data value type |
version |
Version string formatted as decimal integers separated by a dot |
wikipedia |
Hyperlink to the subject's page on Wikipedia |
xstr |
Extended string - type name and string value encoding |
about |
Query basic information about the server |
close |
Close the current session and cancel the auth bearer token |
defs |
Query the definitions in the current namespace |
filetypes |
Query the filetype defs in the current namespace |
libs |
Query the lib defs in the current namespace |
nav |
Query the navigation tree for discovery |
ops |
Query the op defs in the current namespace |
read |
Query the a set of entity records by id or by filter |
watchPoll |
Poll a watch subscription |
watchSub |
Subscribe to entity data |
watchUnsub |
Unsubscribe to entity data |