Axon core library
admin |
Requires admin permission |
disableOverridableChecks |
Disables function |
err |
Indicates an error condition, |
errTrace |
Exception stack trace |
expr |
Axon expression string |
foldOn |
Registers a function as folding a given value type |
func |
Axon function |
name |
Name key |
overridable |
Applied to an ext function to enable override by project record functions |
src |
Source code |
su |
Requires superuser permission |
abs |
Return absolute value of a number, if null return null |
add |
Add item to the end of a list and return a new list |
addAll |
Add all the items to the end of a list and return a new list |
addCol |
Add a column to a grid by mapping each row to a new cell value |
addColMeta |
Return a new grid with additional column meta-data |
addCols |
Add grid b as a new set of columns to grid a |
addMeta |
Return new grid with additional grid level meta-data tags |
addRow |
Add an additional Dict row to the end of a grid |
addRows |
Add an list of rows to the end of a grid |
all |
Return if all the items in a list, dict, or grid match the given test function |
any |
Return if any the items in a list, dict, or grid match the given test function |
as |
Set the unit of a number |
avg |
Fold multiple values into their standard average or arithmetic mean |
call |
Reflectively call a function with the given arguments |
capitalize |
Return this string with the first character converted to uppercase |
clamp |
Clamp the number val between the min and max |
col |
Get a column by its name |
colNames |
Get the column names a list of strings |
colToList |
Get a column as a list of the cell values ordered by row |
collect |
Collect stream into a in-memory list or grid |
cols |
Get the columns from a grid as a list |
colsToLocale |
Localize column display names |
compDef |
Return component definition |
concat |
Concatenate a list of items into a string |
conjuncts |
List conjunct definitions in the context namespace as Def[] |
contains |
Return if |
coord |
Construct a Coord from two Numbers in decimal degrees |
coordDist |
Compute the great-circle distance between two Coords |
coordLat |
Latitude of a Coord as a Number |
coordLng |
Longitude of a Coord as a Number |
count |
Fold multiple values into their total count Return zero if no values |
curFunc |
Get the current top-level function's tags |
date |
If val is a DateTime |
dateTime |
Construct a DateTime from a date, time, and timezone name |
day |
Get day of month as integer between 1 to 31 from date or datetime |
dayOfYear |
Given a DateTime or Date, return the day of the year |
debugType |
Return a string of the given value's type |
decapitalize |
Return this string with the first character converted to lowercase |
def |
Lookup a def by its symbol name (Str or Symbol) |
defs |
List all definitions in the context namespace as Def[] |
dis |
Get display string for dict or the given tag |
dst |
Return if a DateTime is in daylight saving time |
each |
Iterate the items of a collection |
eachDay |
Iterate the days of a span |
eachMonth |
Iterate the months of a span |
eachWhile |
Iterate the items of a collection until the given function returns non-null |
echo |
Write the str represenation of |
end |
End value of a DateSpan, Span, or a range |
endsWith |
Return if Str ends with the specified Str |
equals |
Return if two values are equivalent |
eval |
Evaluate an Axon string expression |
evalToFunc |
Evalate an Axon string expression to a function |
filter |
Apply a filter expression to a collection of dicts |
filterToFunc |
Convert a filter expression to a function which maybe used with |
find |
Find the first matching item in a list or grid by applying the given filter function |
findAll |
Find all the items in a list, dict, or grid by applying the given filter function |
first |
Get the first item from an ordered collection or return null if the collection is empty |
firstOfMonth |
Get the first day of given date's month |
flatMap |
Map each item in a list or grid to zero or more new items as a flattened result |
flatten |
Flatten a list to a single level |
fold |
Fold a list or stream into a single value using given folding function |
foldCol |
Fold the values of the given column into a single value |
foldCols |
Fold a set of columns in each row into a new folded column and return a new grid |
foldEnd |
The fold end marker value |
foldStart |
The fold start marker value |
format |
Format an object using the current locale and specified format pattern |
fromJavaMillis |
Given Number of milliseconds since Unix epoch return a DateTime |
func |
Find a top-level function by name or by reference and return its tags |
funcs |
Find all the top-levels functions in the current project which match the given filter |
get |
Get an item from a collection |
getSafe |
Get an item from a str, list, or grid safely when an index is out of bounds |
gridColKinds |
Given a grid return the types used in each column as a grid with the following |
gridColsToDict |
Convert grid columns into a dict of name/val pairs |
gridReplace |
Replace every grid cell with the given |
gridRowsToDict |
Convert grid rows into a dict of name/val pairs |
has |
If val is a Grid return if it has the given column name |
hour |
Get hour of day as integer between 0 to 23 from time or datetime |
hoursInDay |
Given a DateTime in a specific timezone, return the number of hours in the day |
index |
Return the first match of |
indexr |
Return the last match of |
insert |
Insert an item into a list at the given index and return a new list |
insertAll |
Insert a list of items at the given index and return a new list |
isAlpha |
Is number an ASCII alpha char |
isAlphaNum |
Is number an ASCII alpha-numeric char |
isBool |
Return if an object is a boolean type |
isDate |
Return if an object is a Date type |
isDateTime |
Return if an object is a DateTime type |
isDict |
Return if an object is a dict type |
isDigit |
Is number a digit in the specified radix |
isDuration |
Return if an object is a number type with a |
isEmpty |
Return if a collection is empty |
isEven |
Return if an integer is an even number |
isFunc |
Return if an object is a function type |
isGrid |
Return if an object is a grid type |
isHisGrid |
Return if an object is a grid that conforms to the |
isKeyword |
Return if given string is an Axon keyword |
isLeapYear |
Return if a year is a leap year |
isList |
Return if an object is a list type |
isLower |
Is number an ASCII lowercase alphabetic char |
isMetric |
Given an optional value return true if the SI metric system should be used |
isNaN |
Return if |
isNonNull |
Return if an object is not null |
isNull |
Return if an object is null |
isNumber |
Return if an object is a number type |
isOdd |
Return if an integer is an odd number |
isRef |
Return if an object is a ref type |
isSpace |
Is number is whitespace char |
isSpan |
Return if an object is a span |
isStr |
Return if an object is a str type |
isTagName |
Return if the given string is legal tag name - see |
isTime |
Return if an object is a Time type |
isUpper |
Is number an ASCII uppercase alphabetic char |
isUri |
Return if an object is a Uri type |
isWeekday |
Does the given Date or DateTime fall on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, or Fri |
isWeekend |
Does the given Date or DateTime fall on Sat or Sun |
join |
Join two grids by column name |
joinAll |
Join a list of grids into a single grid |
keepCols |
Return a new grid with keeps the given columns, but removes all the others |
last |
Get the last item from an ordered collection or return null if the collection is empty |
lastMonth |
DateSpan for month previous to this month |
lastOfMonth |
Get the last day of the date's month |
lastQuarter |
DateSpan for 3 month quarter previous to this quarter |
lastWeek |
DateSpan for week previous to this week |
lastYear |
DateSpan for year previous to this year |
libs |
List the lib definitions in the context namespace as Def[] |
limit |
Truncate stream after given limit is reached |
localeUse |
Evaluate an expression within a specific locale |
lower |
Convert a char number or str to ASCII lower case |
map |
Map list, dict, or grid by applying the given mapping function |
marker |
Get the marker value singleton |
max |
Compare two numbers and return the larger one |
merge |
Merge two Dicts together and return a new Dict |
meta |
Get the meta-data from a grid or col as a dict |
min |
Compare two numbers and return the smaller one |
minute |
Get minutes of the time as integer between 0 to 59 from time or datetime |
missing |
If val is a Grid return if it does not have given column name |
month |
Get month as integer between 1 to 12 from date or datetime |
moveTo |
Find the given item in a list, and move it to the given index |
na |
Get NA not-available singleton |
name |
If val is a Col, get the column name |
names |
Get the list of names used by a given dict |
nan |
Return the Number representation of not-a-number |
negInf |
Return the Number representation negative infinity |
now |
Return current DateTime according to context's time zone |
nowTicks |
Return current time as nanosecond ticks since 1 Jan 2000 UTC |
nowUtc |
Return current DateTime in UTC |
numDays |
Number of whole days in a span |
numDaysInMonth |
Get the number of days in a given month |
occurred |
Return if a timestamp is contained within a Date range |
padl |
Pad string to the left |
padr |
Pad string to the right |
parseAst |
Parse Axon source code into an abstract syntax tree modeled as a tree of dicts |
parseBool |
Parse a Str into a Bool, legal formats are "true" or "false |
parseDate |
Parse a Str into a Date |
parseDateTime |
Parse a Str into a DateTime |
parseFilter |
Parse a filter string into a |
parseFloat |
Parse a Str into a Float |
parseInt |
Parse a Str into a integer number using the specified radix |
parseNumber |
Parse a Str into a number with an option unit |
parseRef |
Parse a Str into a Ref |
parseSearch |
Parse a search string into a |
parseSymbol |
Parse a Str into a Symbol |
parseTime |
Parse a Str into a Time |
parseUnit |
Parse a Str into a standardized unit name |
parseUri |
Parse a string into a Uri instance |
pastMonth |
DateSpan for last 30days |
pastWeek |
DateSpan for last 7 days as |
pastYear |
DateSpan for this past |
posInf |
Return the Number representation positive infinity |
reFind |
Find the first match of regular expression in |
reFindAll |
Find all matches of the regular expression in |
reGroups |
Return a list of the substrings captured by matching the given regular operation against |
reMatches |
Return if regular expression matches entire region of |
reduce |
Reduce a collection to a single value with the given reducer function |
refDis |
Given a ref return |
refGen |
Generate a new unique Ref identifier |
refProjName |
Given an absolute ref, return its project name |
relDis |
Get a relative display name |
remove |
Remove an item from a collection and return a new collection |
removeCol |
Return a new grid with the given column removed |
removeCols |
Return a new grid with all the given columns removed |
removeMarker |
Get the remove value singleton |
renameCol |
Return a new grid with the given column renamed |
renameCols |
Return a new grid with multiple columns renamed |
reorderCols |
Return a new grid with the columns reordered |
replace |
String replace of all occurrences of |
rowToList |
Get a grid row as a list of cells |
second |
Get seconds of the time as integer between 0 to 59 from time or datetime |
set |
Set a collection item and return a new collection |
setColMeta |
Return a new grid with column meta-data replaced by given meta dict |
setMeta |
Return new grid with grid level meta-data replaced by given meta Dict |
size |
Return number of items in str, list, or grid |
skip |
Skip the given number of items in a stream |
sort |
Sort a list or grid |
sortDis |
Sort a grid by row display name - see Examples |
sortr |
Reverse sort a list or grid |
split |
Split a string by the given separator and trim whitespace |
spread |
Fold multiple values to compute the difference between the max and min value |
start |
Start value of a DateSpan, Span or a range |
startOfWeek |
Return current locale's start of weekday |
startsWith |
Return if Str starts with the specified Str |
stream |
Create new stream from given collection |
streamCol |
Create a new stream for the cell values of the given column |
sum |
Fold multiple values into their numeric sum |
swizzleRefs |
Given a grid of records, assign new ids and swizzle all internal ref tags |
tags |
List tag definitions in the context namespace as Def[] |
terms |
List term definitions (tags and conjuncts) in the context namespace as Def[] |
thisMonth |
DateSpan for this month as |
thisQuarter |
DateSpan for this 3 month quarter |
thisWeek |
DateSpan for this week as |
thisYear |
DateSpan for this year |
time |
If val is a DateTime |
times |
Call the specified function the given number of times passing the counter |
to |
Convert a number to the given unit |
toAxonCode |
Convert a scalar, list, or dict value to its Axon code representation |
toChar |
Convert a unicode char number into a single char string Examples |
toDateSpan |
Convert the following objects into a |
toGrid |
Given an arbitrary object, translate it to a Grid via |
toHex |
Convert a number to a hexadecimal string |
toJavaMillis |
Given a DateTime return Number of milliseconds since Unix epoch |
toList |
If val is a list return it, otherwise return |
toLocale |
Get the localized string for the given tag name or qualified name |
toRadix |
Convert a number to its string representation in the given radix (base) |
toSpan |
Convert the following objects into a |
toStr |
Convert an obj to its string representation |
toTagName |
Given arbitrary string, convert to a safe tag name - see |
toTimeZone |
Convert a DateTime or Span to another timezone |
today |
Return today's Date according to context's time zone |
transpose |
Perform a matrix transpose on the grid |
trap |
Function for the |
trim |
Trim whitespace from the beginning and end of the string |
trimEnd |
Trim whitespace only from the end of the string |
trimStart |
Trim whitespace only from the beginning of the string |
tz |
Get timezone as city name string in tzinfo database from datetime |
unique |
Return the unique items in a collection |
unit |
Given a number return its unit string or null |
unitsEq |
Return if the two numbers have the same unit |
upper |
Convert a char number or str to ASCII upper case |
uriBasename |
Get the basename (last name in path without extension) of a Uri as a string |
uriDecode |
Parse an ASCII percent encoded string into a Uri according to RFC 3986 |
uriEncode |
Return the percent encoded string for this Uri according to RFC 3986 |
uriExt |
Get the URI extension of a Uri as a string or null |
uriFrag |
Return if the fragment identifier portion of the a URI after hash symbol |
uriHost |
Get the host Uri as a string or null |
uriIsDir |
Return if the URI path ends in a slash |
uriName |
Get the name Str of a Uri (last item in path) |
uriPath |
Get the path segments of a Uri as a list of Strs |
uriPathStr |
Get the path a Uri as a string |
uriPlusSlash |
Adding trailing slash to the URI |
uriPort |
Get the port of a Uri as a Number or null |
uriQueryStr |
Return if the query portion of the a URI after question mark |
uriScheme |
Get the scheme of a Uri as a string or null |
vals |
Get the list of values used by a given dict |
weekOfYear |
Given a DateTime or Date, return the week number of the year |
weekday |
Get weekday as integer from 0 to 6 of Date or DateTime |
xstr |
Construct decoded |
year |
Get year as integer such as 2010 from date or datetime |
yesterday |
Return yesterday's Date according to context's time zone |