

const mixin LibNamespace

Library namespace is a pinned manifest of specific library versions. Namespaces may lazily load their libs, in which case not all operations are supported. Create a new namespace via LibRepo.createNamespace.



Return base namespace if this namespace is an overlay.


Compile a Xeto data file into an in-memory value.


Convenience for compileData but always returns data as list of dicts.


Compile Xeto source code into a temp library.


Base64 digest for this namespace based on its lib versions


Iterate all the instances


Iterate all the top-level types in all the libs.


Return if the given instance fits the spec via structural typing.


Return if this namespace contains the given lib name.


Get or load instance by the given qualified name If the instance's lib is not loaded, it is loaded synchronously.


Create default instance for the given spec.


Return true if the every library in this namespace has been loaded (successfully or unsuccessfully).


Return true if this an overlay namespace overlaid on base.


Get the given library by name synchronously.


Get or load library asynchronously by the given dotted name.


Exception for a library with lib status of err, or null otherwise.


Get or load list of libraries asynchronously by the given dotted names.


Return load status for the given library name


List all libraries.


Load all libraries asynchronosly.


Get or load spec by the given qualified name


Spec for Fantom Type or the typeof given object


Get or load type by the given qualified name.


Lookup the version info for a library name in this namespace.


List the library name and versions in this namespace.


Write instance data in Xeto text format to an output stream.

Slot Details


abstract LibNamespace? base()

Return base namespace if this namespace is an overlay.


abstract Obj? compileData(Str src, Dict? opts := null)

Compile a Xeto data file into an in-memory value. All dependencies are resolved against this namespace. Raise exception if there are any syntax or semantic errors. If the file contains a scalar value or one dict, then it is returned as the value. If the file contains two or more dicts then return a Dict[] of the instances.


  • externRefs: marker to allow unresolved refs to compile


abstract Dict[] compileDicts(Str src, Dict? opts := null)

Convenience for compileData but always returns data as list of dicts. If the data is not a Dict nor list of Dicts, then raise an exception.


abstract Lib compileLib(Str src, Dict? opts := null)

Compile Xeto source code into a temp library. All dependencies are resolved against this namespace. Raise exception if there are any syntax or semantic errors.


abstract Str digest()

Base64 digest for this namespace based on its lib versions


abstract Void eachInstance(|Dict| f)

Iterate all the instances


abstract Void eachType(|Spec| f)

Iterate all the top-level types in all the libs. Raise exception is not fully loaded.


abstract Bool fits(XetoContext cx, Obj? val, Spec spec, Dict? opts := null)

Return if the given instance fits the spec via structural typing.


abstract Bool hasLib(Str name)

Return if this namespace contains the given lib name. This is true if version will return non-null regardless of libStatus.


abstract Dict? instance(Str qname, Bool checked := true)

Get or load instance by the given qualified name If the instance's lib is not loaded, it is loaded synchronously.


abstract Obj? instantiate(Spec spec, Dict? opts := null)

Create default instance for the given spec. Raise exception if spec is abstract.


  • graph: marker tag to instantiate graph of recs (will auto-generate ids)
  • abstract: marker to supress error if spec is abstract
  • id: Ref tag to include in new instance


abstract Bool isAllLoaded()

Return true if the every library in this namespace has been loaded (successfully or unsuccessfully). This method returns false is any libs have a load status of notLoaded. Many operations require a namespace to be fully loaded.


abstract Bool isOverlay()

Return true if this an overlay namespace overlaid on base.


abstract Lib? lib(Str name, Bool checked := true)

Get the given library by name synchronously. If this is a Java environment, then the library will be compiled on its first access. If the library cannot be compiled then an exception is always raised regardless of checked flag. If this is a JS environment then the library must already have been loaded, otherwise raise exception regardless of checked flag. The checked flag only returns null if the library is not defined by this namespace. Use libAsync to load a library in JS environment.


abstract Void libAsync(Str name, |Err?,Lib?| f)

Get or load library asynchronously by the given dotted name. This method automatically also loads the dependency chain. Once loaded then invoke callback with library or err.


abstract Err? libErr(Str name)

Exception for a library with lib status of err, or null otherwise. Raise exception is library not included in this namespace.


abstract Void libListAsync(Str[] names, |Err?,Lib[]?| f)

Get or load list of libraries asynchronously by the given dotted names. This method automatically also loads the dependency chain. Once loaded then invoke callback with libraries or err. If a lib cannot be loaded then it is excluded from the callback list (so its possible the results list is not the same size as the names list).


abstract LibStatus? libStatus(Str name, Bool checked := true)

Return load status for the given library name:

  • notLoaded: library is included but has not been loaded yet
  • ok: library is included and loaded successfully
  • err: library is included but could not be loaded
  • null/exception if library not included


abstract Lib[] libs()

List all libraries. On first call, this will force all libraries to be loaded synchronously. Any libs which cannot be compiled will log an error and be excluded from this list. If isAllLoaded is true then this call can also be in JS environments, otherwise you must use the libsAllAsync call to fully load all libraries into memory.


abstract Void libsAllAsync(|Err?,Lib[]?| f)

Load all libraries asynchronosly. Once this operation completes successfully the isAllLoaded method will return true and the libs method may be used even in JS environments. Note that an error is reported only if the entire load failed. Individual libs which cannot be loaded will logged on server, and be excluded from the final libs list.


abstract Spec? spec(Str qname, Bool checked := true)

Get or load spec by the given qualified name:

  • type: "foo.bar::Baz"
  • global: "foo.bar::baz"
  • slot: "foo.bar::Baz.qux" If the spec's lib is not loaded, it is loaded synchronously.


abstract Spec? specOf(Obj? val, Bool checked := true)

Spec for Fantom Type or the typeof given object


abstract Spec? type(Str qname, Bool checked := true)

Get or load type by the given qualified name. If the type's lib is not loaded, it is loaded synchronously.


abstract LibVersion? version(Str name, Bool checked := true)

Lookup the version info for a library name in this namespace.


abstract LibVersion[] versions()

List the library name and versions in this namespace.


abstract Void writeData(OutStream out, Obj val, Dict? opts := null)

Write instance data in Xeto text format to an output stream. If the value is a Dict[], then it is flattened in the output. Use compileData to read data from Xeto text format.