// Copyright (c) 2008, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 9 Nov 10 Brian Frank Creation
using concurrent
using web
** Pluggable hooks for Wisp session storage.
const mixin WispSessionStore
** Parent web service
abstract WispService service()
** Callback when WispService is started
virtual Void onStart() {}
** Callback when WispService is stopped
virtual Void onStop() {}
** Load the session map for the given id, or if it
** doesn't exist then create a new one.
abstract Str:Obj? load(Str id)
** Save the given session map by session id.
abstract Void save(Str id, Str:Obj? map)
** Delete any resources used by the given session id
abstract Void delete(Str id)
internal WispSession doLoad(WebReq req)
WispSession? ws := null
// try to lookup existing session via cookie
name := service.sessionCookieName
id := req.cookies[name]
if (id != null)
map := load(id)
ws = WispSession(name, id, map)
// create new session, and add cookie to response
ws = WispSession(name, Uuid.make.toStr + "-" + Buf.random(8).toHex, Str:Obj?[:])
WebRes res := Actor.locals["web.res"]
// store in actor loical
Actor.locals["web.session"] = ws
return ws
private Cookie makeCookie(WispSession ws)
Cookie.makeSession(ws.name, ws.id)
internal Void doSave()
WispSession? ws := Actor.locals.remove("web.session")
if (ws != null)
if (ws.isDeleted)
save(ws.id, ws.map)
catch (Err e)
WispService.log.err("WispSession save", e)