

Wisp web Server



Pluggable hooks for Wisp session storage.





Simple web server services HTTP/HTTPS requests to a top-level root WebMod.



Fantom comes bundled with the WispService which implements a web server purely in Fantom code - so you can use it without the fuss of setting up additional software.

Test Setup

You can run a test wisp server straight from fansh using a configurable port:

fansh> wisp::WispService { httpPort = 8080 }.start
[16:22:49 30-Nov-09] [info] [web] http started on port 8080

If it is running correctly you should be able to hit http://localhost:8080/ and see the test page.


Wisp is easily configured by installing a root WebMod which is responsible for serving all requests to the server. Typically you will install a composition WebMod to setup your pipeline and routing configuration.

See the following examples for how to setup a daemon script with various WebMod configurations:

  • web-hello: single, simple custom root webmod
  • web-demo: illustrates use of many different webmods
  • js-demo: configuration used to serve up FWT in browser examples

HTTPS Configuration

Wisp can be configured to serve HTTPS connection by setting the https port with the -httpsPort option. Wisp requires a keystore to serve https connections. A keystore is a repository of security certificates (either authorization or public key certificates) that can be used for TLS encryption. The keystore should contain the public and private key for your web server.

Wisp uses the following conventions for loading the keystore:

  1. The keystore must be PKCS12 formatted
  2. The keystore must have password "changeit"
  3. The keystore must have name keystore.p12
  4. The keystore must reside in etc/inet/keystore.p12 of your Fantom installation

Java provides a utility called keytool that can be used for generating and managing keystore files. For testing purposes, you can create a self-signed certificate and add it to a new pkcs12 keystore using the following command (make sure to use "changeit" as the password when prompted):

$ keytool -genkey \
          -alias my.domain.com \
          -keyalg RSA \
          -storetype pkcs12 \
          -keystore /path/to/etc/inet/keystore.p12

The following article contains many useful examples of working with keystores. The examples all use the JKS keystore format, so make sure to add the -storetype pkcs12 option if you attempt to duplicate any of the commands.

If you have a JKS formatted keystore, you can convert it to PKCS12 using the following command:

$ keytool -importkeystore \
          -srckeystore keystore.jks \
          -srcalias my.domain.com \
          -destkeystore keystore.p12 \
          -deststoretype PKCS12


For the common case where a single WebMod is used, wisp can be run directly from the command line:

$ fan wisp
  wisp [options] <mod>
  mod    qualified type name for WebMod to run
  -help, -?           Print usage help
  -addr <Str>         IP address to bind to
  -httpPort <Int>     IP port to bind for HTTP (default 8080)
  -httpsPort <Int>    IP port to bind for HTTPS (disabled unless set)

For example:

$ fan wisp myPod::MyWebMod
[16:43:16 17-Jul-15] [info] [web] http started on port 8080