// Copyright (c) 2007, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   21 Dec 07  Brian Frank  Creation

using concurrent
using web
using inet

** Simple web server services HTTP/HTTPS requests to a top-level root WebMod.
** A given instance of WispService can be only be used through one
** start/stop lifecycle.
** Example:
**   WispService { httpPort = 8080; root = MyWebMod() }.start
const class WispService : Service

  ** Standard log for web service
  internal static const Log log := Log.get("web")

  ** Which IpAddr to bind to or null for the default.
  const IpAddr? addr := null

  ** Well known TCP port for HTTP traffic. The port is enabled if non-null
  ** and disabled if null.
  const Int? httpPort := null

  ** Well known TCP port for HTTPS traffic. The port is enabled if non-null
  ** and disabled if null. If the http and https ports are both non-null
  ** then all http traffic will be redirected to the https port.
  const Int? httpsPort := null

  ** Root WebMod used to service requests.
  const WebMod root := WispDefaultRootMod()

  ** Pluggable interface for managing web session state.
  ** Default implementation stores sessions in main memory.
  const WispSessionStore sessionStore := MemWispSessionStore(this)

  ** Max number of threads which are used for concurrent
  ** web request processing.
  const Int maxThreads := 500

  ** WebMod which is called on internal server error to return an 500
  ** error response.  The exception raised is available in 'req.stash["err"]'.
  ** The 'onService' method is called after clearing all headers and setting
  ** the response code to 500.  The default error mod may be configured
  ** via 'errMod' property in etc/web/config.props.
  const WebMod errMod := initErrMod

  ** The `inet::SocketConfig` to use for creating sockets
  const SocketConfig socketConfig := SocketConfig.cur

  ** Return 'true' if service is successfully listening on registered port.
  @NoDoc Bool isListening() { isListeningRef.val }
  private const AtomicBool isListeningRef := AtomicBool(false)

  private static WebMod initErrMod()
      return (WebMod)Type.find(Pod.find("web").config("errMod", "wisp::WispDefaultErrMod")).make
    catch (Err e)
      log.err("Cannot init errMod", e)
    return WispDefaultErrMod()

  ** Map of HTTP headers to include in every response.  These are
  ** initialized from etc/web/config.props with the key "extraResHeaders"
  ** as a set of "key:value" pairs separated by semicolons.
  const Str:Str extraResHeaders := initExtraResHeaders

  private static Str:Str initExtraResHeaders()
    acc := Str:Str[:] { caseInsensitive = true }
      parseExtraHeaders(acc, Pod.find("web").config("extraResHeaders", ""))
    catch (Err e)
      log.err("Cannot init resHeaders", e)
    return acc.toImmutable

  ** Parse extra headers taking quoted values into account
  internal static Void parseExtraHeaders(Str:Str acc, Str str)
    // trim and remove trailing semicolon
    str = str.trim
    if (str.endsWith(";")) str = str[0..-2]
    if (str.isEmpty) return

    // split by semicolons taking into account quotes
    pairs := Str[,]
    s := 0
    inStr := false
    for (i := 0; i<str.size; ++i)
      ch := str[i]
      if (ch == '"') inStr = !inStr
      if (ch == ';' && !inStr) { pairs.add(str[s..<i].trim); s = i+1 }
    if (s < str.size) pairs.add(str[s..-1].trim)

    // add to accumulator
    pairs.each |pair|
      colon := pair.index(":") ?: throw Err("Missing colon: $pair")
      key := pair[0..<colon].trim
      val := pair[colon+1..-1].trim
      if (val.startsWith("\"") && val.endsWith("\"")) val = val[1..-2]
      if (key.isEmpty || val.isEmpty) throw Err("Invalid header: $pair")
      acc[key] = val

  ** Cookie name to use for built-in session management.
  ** Initialized from etc/web/config.props with the key "sessionCookieName"
  ** otherwise defaults to "fanws"
  const Str sessionCookieName := Pod.find("web").config("sessionCookieName", "fanws")

  ** Constructor with it-block
  new make(|This|? f := null)
    if (f != null) f(this)

    if (httpPort == null && httpsPort == null) throw ArgErr("httpPort and httpsPort are both null. At least one port must be configured.")
    if (httpPort == httpsPort) throw ArgErr("httpPort '${httpPort}' cannot be the same as httpsPort '${httpsPort}'")
    if (httpPort != null && httpsPort != null) root = WispHttpsRedirectMod(this, root)

    listenerPool     = ActorPool { it.name = "WispServiceListener" }
    httpListenerRef  = AtomicRef()
    httpsListenerRef = AtomicRef()
    processorPool    = ActorPool { it.name = "WispService"; it.maxThreads = this.maxThreads }

  override Void onStart()
    if (listenerPool.isStopped) throw Err("WispService is already stopped, use to new instance to restart")
    if (httpPort != null)
      Actor(listenerPool, |->| { listen(makeListener(httpListenerRef), httpPort) }).send(null)
    if (httpsPort != null)
      Actor(listenerPool, |->| { listen(makeListener(httpsListenerRef), httpsPort) }).send(null)

  override Void onStop()
    try root.onStop;         catch (Err e) log.err("WispService stop root WebMod", e)
    try listenerPool.stop;   catch (Err e) log.err("WispService stop listener pool", e)
    try closeListener(httpListenerRef);  catch (Err e) log.err("WispService stop http listener socket", e)
    try closeListener(httpsListenerRef); catch (Err e) log.err("WispService stop https listener socket", e)
    try processorPool.stop;  catch (Err e) log.err("WispService stop processor pool", e)
    try sessionStore.onStop; catch (Err e) log.err("WispService stop session store", e)

  private Void closeListener(AtomicRef listenerRef)

  internal Void listen(TcpListener listener, Int port)
    portType := port == httpPort ? "http" : "https"
    // loop until we successfully bind to port
    while (true)
        listener.bind(addr, port)
      catch (Err e)
        log.err("WispService cannot bind to ${portType} port ${port}", e)

    log.info("${portType} started on port ${port}")
    isListeningRef.val = true

    // loop until stopped accepting incoming TCP connections
    while (!listenerPool.isStopped && !listener.isClosed)
        socket := listener.accept
      catch (Err e)
        if (!listenerPool.isStopped && !listener.isClosed)
          log.err("WispService accept on ${portType} port ${port}", e)

    // socket should be closed by onStop, but do it again to be really sure
    isListeningRef.val = false
    try { listener.close } catch {}
    log.info("${portType} stopped on port ${port}")

  private TcpListener makeListener(AtomicRef storage)
      // force reuseAddr
      cfg := this.socketConfig
      if (!cfg.reuseAddr) cfg = cfg.copy { it.reuseAddr = true }

      TcpListener listener := TcpListener(cfg)
      storage.val = Unsafe(listener)
      return listener
    catch (Err e)
      log.err("Could not make listener", e)
      throw e

  internal const ActorPool listenerPool
  internal const AtomicRef httpListenerRef
  internal const AtomicRef httpsListenerRef
  internal const ActorPool processorPool

  @NoDoc static Void main()
    WispService { httpPort = 8080 }.start

  ** Create instance for Test.setup easy to use via reflection (service is not started automatically)
  @NoDoc static WispService testSetup(WebMod root)
    log.level = LogLevel.err
    return WispService
      it.root = root
      it.httpPort = (10_000..60_000).random

  ** Teardown instance from tesetSetup
  @NoDoc static Void testTeardown(WispService service)

** WispDefaultRootMod

internal const class WispDefaultRootMod : WebMod
  override Void onGet()
    res.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/html; charset=utf-8"
    out := res.out
        .p.w("Wisp is running!").pEnd
        .p.w("Currently there is no WebMod installed on this server.").pEnd
        .p.w("See <a href='https://fantom.org/doc/wisp/pod-doc'>wisp::pod-doc</a>
              to configure a WebMod for the server.").pEnd

** WispHttpsRedirectMod

** Redirects all http traffic to https
internal const class WispHttpsRedirectMod : WebMod
  new make(WispService service, WebMod root)
    this.service = service
    this.root = root

  override Void onService()
    if (req.socket.localPort == service.httpPort)
      redirectUri := `https://${req.absUri.host}:${service.httpsPort}${req.uri}`

  const WispService service
  const WebMod root

** WispDefaultErrMod

const class WispDefaultErrMod : WebMod
  override Void onService()
    err := (Err)req.stash["err"]
    res.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain"
    str := "$res.statusCode INTERNAL SERVER ERROR\n\n$req.uri\n$err.traceToStr".replace("<", "&gt;")