

src class Statement : Obj

Statement is an executable statement for a specific database. A statement may be executed immediately or prepared and executed later with parameters. See pod-doc.



Maximum number of rows returned when this statement is executed.


The SQL text used to create this statement.



Close the statement.


Execute a SQL statement and if applicable return a result


Execute a batch of commands on a prepared Statement.


Prepare this statement by compiling for efficient execution.


Execute the statement and return the resulting List of Rows.


Execute the statement.


Execute the statement.

Slot Details


src Void close()

Close the statement.


src Obj execute([Str:Obj]? params := null)

Execute a SQL statement and if applicable return a result:

  • If the statement is a query or procedure which produces a result set, then return Row[]
  • If the statement is an insert and auto-generated keys are supported by the connector then return Int[] or Str[] of keys generated
  • Return an Int with the update count


src Int?[] executeBatch([Str:Obj]?[] paramsList)

Execute a batch of commands on a prepared Statement. If all commands execute successfully, returns an array of update counts.

For each element in the array, if the element is non-null, then it represents an update count giving the number of rows in the database that were affected by the command's execution.

If a given array element is null, it indicates that the command was processed successfully but that the number of rows affected is unknown.

If one of the commands in a batch update fails to execute properly, this method throws a SqlErr that wraps a java.sql.BatchUpdateException, and a JDBC driver may or may not continue to process the remaining commands in the batch, consistent with the underlying DBMS -- either always continuing to process commands or never continuing to process commands.


src Int? limit

Maximum number of rows returned when this statement is executed. If limit is exceeded rows are silently dropped. A value of null indicates no limit.


src This prepare()

Prepare this statement by compiling for efficient execution. Return this.


src Row[] query([Str:Obj]? params := null)

Execute the statement and return the resulting List of Rows. The Cols are available from List.of.fields or on type.fields of each row instance.


src Void queryEach([Str:Obj]? params, |Row| eachFunc)

Execute the statement. For each row in the result, invoke the specified function eachFunc.


src Obj? queryEachWhile([Str:Obj]? params, |Row->Obj?| eachFunc)

Execute the statement. For each row in the result, invoke the specified function eachFunc. If the function returns non-null, then break the iteration and return the resulting object. Return null if the function returns null for every item.


src const Str sql

The SQL text used to create this statement.