

src @Js
class HtmlRendererBuilder : Obj

Builder for configuring an HtmlRenderer.



Add a factory for an attribute provider for adding/changing HTML attributes to the rendered tags.


Get the configured HtmlRenderer


Configure the given extensions on this this renderer


Add a factory for instantiating a node renderer (done when rendering).


Whether HtmlInline and HtmlBlock should be escaped, defaults to false.


Whether documents that only contain a single paragraph shoudl be rendered without the <p> tag.


Whether URLs of link or images should be percent-encoded, defaults to false.


Whether Image src and Link href should be sanitized, defaults to false.


The HTML to use for rendering a softbreak, default to \n (meaning the rendered result doesn't have a line break).

Slot Details


src This attrProviderFactory(|HtmlContext->AttrProvider| factory)

Add a factory for an attribute provider for adding/changing HTML attributes to the rendered tags.


src HtmlRenderer build()

Get the configured HtmlRenderer


src This extensions(MarkdownExt[] exts)

Configure the given extensions on this this renderer


src This nodeRendererFactory(|HtmlContext->NodeRenderer| factory)

Add a factory for instantiating a node renderer (done when rendering). This allows to override the rendering of node types or define rendering for custom node types.

If multiple node renderers for the same node type are created, the one from the factory that was added first "wins". (This is how rendering for core node types can be overriden; the default rendering comes last).


src This withEscapeHtml(Bool val := true)

Whether HtmlInline and HtmlBlock should be escaped, defaults to false.

Note that HtmlInline is only a tag itself, not the text between an opening tag and closing tag. So markup in the text will be parsed as normal and is not affected by this option.


src This withOmitSingleParagraphP(Bool val := true)

Whether documents that only contain a single paragraph shoudl be rendered without the <p> tag. Set to true to render without the tag; the default of false always renders the tag.


src This withPercentEncodeUrls(Bool val := true)

Whether URLs of link or images should be percent-encoded, defaults to false.

If enabled, the following is done:

  • Existing percent-encoded parts are preserved (e.g. "%20" is kept as "%20")
  • Reserved characters such as "/" are preserved, except for "[" and "]" (see encodeURL in JS).
  • Other characters such as umlauts are percent-encoded


src This withSanitizeUrls(Bool val := true)

Whether Image src and Link href should be sanitized, defaults to false.


src This withSoftBreak(Str s)

The HTML to use for rendering a softbreak, default to \n (meaning the rendered result doesn't have a line break).

Set it to <br> or <br /> to make the hard breaks.

Set it to (space) to ingore line wrapping in the source.