lib io

OverviewIO HandlesExamples


The ioExt is used to read/write data via a variety of formats:

IO Handles

All the read/write functions take an IO handle which is one of the following:

  • any string can be used by the the read functions; if used for a write function then the output is concatenated to the end of the string and returned as the result of the write function
  • Uri which starts with "io/" which read/writes relative to the project's io directory
  • Uri with fan:// scheme will read files bundled in pods
  • Uri with http:// or https:// scheme will read using HTTP GET request (readonly)
  • Uri with ftp:// or ftps:// scheme will retreive using FTP

The default charset used by all I/O handles is "UTF-8". You can wrap any of the handles above with the ioCharset() function to specify an alternate charset.

FTP Handles

You may read and write files to a FTP server via a ftp:// or ftps:// Uri. Using ioDir() is supported if Uri ends with a slash, but returns name only (not dir, size, or mod). By default the "anonymous" user account is used. But you can customize this by creating a key/value the password manager where the key is the base URI and the value is a string formatted as "user:pass". For example given:

uri:  ftp://somehost/somefile.csv
user: bob
pass: secret

You can setup the password for all FTP request to "ftp://somehost/" like this:

passwordSet("ftp://somehost/", "bob:secret")

Note that the URI key must end with a slash and match the scheme (ftp or ftps).

In newer versions of Java, you may see the following warning in the console the first time an FTPS connection is made:

WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by fan.ftp.FtpClientPeer (file:) to field
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of fan.ftp.FtpClientPeer
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release

If you see this, then you need to edit your etc/sys/config.props and add the following options to the java.options along with any other options you have set (e.g. heap configuration).

java.options=--add-opens java.base/ --add-opens java.base/


Here are some basic examples:

// export your sites to a trio file: {proj}/io/sites.trio

// export your sites to a trio string literal

// export point to CSV file

// import history data from CSV file where timestamps
// are formatted as 2010-10-02T13:00
  .map(row => {ts: parseDateTime(row->ts, "YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm", "New_York"),
               val: parseNumber(row->val)})

// parse an oBIX XML document and map into name/value pairs
  .map(x => {name:x.xmlAttr("name").xmlVal, val:x.xmlAttr("val").xmlVal})