

ioReadJson(handle, opts: null)

Read a JSON file into memory. This function can used to read any arbitrary JSON nested object/array structure which can be accessed as Axon dicts/lists. The default decoding assumes Haystack 4 JSON format (Hayson). Also see ioReadJsonGrid() if reading a Haystack formatted grid.

Object keys which are not valid tag names will decode correctly and can be used in-process. But they will not serialize correctly over the HTTP API. You can use the safeNames option to force object keys to be safe tag names (but you will lose the original key names).

The following options are supported:

  • v3: decode the JSON as Haystack 3
  • v4: explicitly request Haystack 4 decoding (default)
  • safeNames: convert object keys to safe tag names




Feature namespace of definitions formatted as feature:name


Axon function