_as |
Set the unit of a number. |
_echo |
Write the str represenation of |
_equals |
Return if two values are equivalent. |
_toStr |
Convert an obj to its string representation |
_trap |
Function for the |
abs |
Return absolute value of a number, if null return null |
add |
Add item to the end of a list and return a new list. |
addAll |
Add all the items to the end of a list and return a new list. |
addCol |
Add a column to a grid by mapping each row to a new cell value. |
addColMeta |
Return a new grid with additional column meta-data. |
addCols |
Add grid b as a new set of columns to grid a. |
addMeta |
Return new grid with additional grid level meta-data tags. |
addRow |
Add an additional Dict row to the end of a grid. |
addRows |
Add an list of rows to the end of a grid. |
all |
Return if all the items in a list, dict, or grid match the given test function. |
any |
Return if any the items in a list, dict, or grid match the given test function. |
avg |
Fold multiple values into their standard average or arithmetic mean. |
call |
Reflectively call a function with the given arguments. |
capitalize |
Return this string with the first character converted to uppercase. |
clamp |
Clamp the number val between the min and max. |
col |
Get a column by its name. |
colNames |
Get the column names a list of strings. |
colToList |
Get a column as a list of the cell values ordered by row. |
collect |
Collect stream into a in-memory list or grid. |
cols |
Get the columns from a grid as a list. |
colsToLocale |
Localize column display names. |
compDef |
Return component definition. |
concat |
Concatenate a list of items into a string. |
conjuncts |
List conjunct definitions in the context namespace as Def[]. |
contains |
Return if |
coord |
Construct a Coord from two Numbers in decimal degrees |
coordDist |
Compute the great-circle distance between two Coords. |
coordLat |
Latitude of a Coord as a Number |
coordLng |
Longitude of a Coord as a Number |
count |
Fold multiple values into their total count Return zero if no values. |
curFunc |
Get the current top-level function's tags. |
date |
If val is a DateTime: get date portion of the timestamp. |
dateTime |
Construct a DateTime from a date, time, and timezone name. |
day |
Get day of month as integer between 1 to 31 from date or datetime. |
dayOfYear |
Given a DateTime or Date, return the day of the year. |
debugType |
Return a string of the given value's type. |
decapitalize |
Return this string with the first character converted to lowercase. |
def |
Lookup a def by its symbol name (Str or Symbol). |
defs |
List all definitions in the context namespace as Def[]. |
dis |
Get display string for dict or the given tag. |
dst |
Return if a DateTime is in daylight saving time. |
each |
Iterate the items of a collection |
eachDay |
Iterate the days of a span. |
eachMonth |
Iterate the months of a span. |
eachWhile |
Iterate the items of a collection until the given function returns non-null. |
end |
End value of a DateSpan, Span, or a range. |
endsWith |
Return if Str ends with the specified Str. |
eval |
Evaluate an Axon string expression. |
evalToFunc |
Evalate an Axon string expression to a function. |
filter |
Apply a filter expression to a collection of dicts. |
filterToFunc |
Convert a filter expression to a function which maybe used with |
find |
Find the first matching item in a list or grid by applying the given filter function. |
findAll |
Find all the items in a list, dict, or grid by applying the given filter function. |
first |
Get the first item from an ordered collection or return null if the collection is empty |
firstOfMonth |
Get the first day of given date's month. |
flatMap |
Map each item in a list or grid to zero or more new items as a flattened result. |
flatten |
Flatten a list to a single level. |
fold |
Fold a list or stream into a single value using given folding function. |
foldCol |
Fold the values of the given column into a single value. |
foldCols |
Fold a set of columns in each row into a new folded column and return a new grid. |
foldEnd |
The fold end marker value |
foldStart |
The fold start marker value |
format |
Format an object using the current locale and specified format pattern. |
fromJavaMillis |
Given Number of milliseconds since Unix epoch return a DateTime. |
func |
Find a top-level function by name or by reference and return its tags. |
funcs |
Find all the top-levels functions in the current project which match the given filter. |
get |
Get an item from a collection |
getSafe |
Get an item from a str, list, or grid safely when an index is out of bounds |
gridColKinds |
Given a grid return the types used in each column as a grid with the following |
gridColsToDict |
Convert grid columns into a dict of name/val pairs. |
gridReplace |
Replace every grid cell with the given |
gridRowsToDict |
Convert grid rows into a dict of name/val pairs. |
has |
If val is a Grid return if it has the given column name. |
hour |
Get hour of day as integer between 0 to 23 from time or datetime |
hoursInDay |
Given a DateTime in a specific timezone, return the number of hours in the day. |
index |
Return the first match of |
indexr |
Return the last match of |
insert |
Insert an item into a list at the given index and return a new list. |
insertAll |
Insert a list of items at the given index and return a new list. |
isAlpha |
Is number an ASCII alpha char: isUpper||isLower |
isAlphaNum |
Is number an ASCII alpha-numeric char: isAlpha||isDigit |
isBool |
Return if an object is a boolean type |
isDate |
Return if an object is a Date type |
isDateTime |
Return if an object is a DateTime type |
isDict |
Return if an object is a dict type |
isDigit |
Is number a digit in the specified radix. |
isDuration |
Return if an object is a number type with a |
isEmpty |
Return if a collection is empty: str, list, dict, or grid |
isEven |
Return if an integer is an even number. |
isFunc |
Return if an object is a function type |
isGrid |
Return if an object is a grid type |
isHisGrid |
Return if an object is a grid that conforms to the |
isKeyword |
Return if given string is an Axon keyword |
isLeapYear |
Return if a year is a leap year. |
isList |
Return if an object is a list type |
isLower |
Is number an ASCII lowercase alphabetic char: a-z |
isMetric |
Given an optional value return true if the SI metric system should be used. |
isNaN |
Return if |
isNonNull |
Return if an object is not null |
isNull |
Return if an object is null |
isNumber |
Return if an object is a number type |
isOdd |
Return if an integer is an odd number. |
isRef |
Return if an object is a ref type |
isSpace |
Is number is whitespace char: space \t \n \r \f |
isSpan |
Return if an object is a span |
isStr |
Return if an object is a str type |
isTagName |
Return if the given string is legal tag name - see |
isTime |
Return if an object is a Time type |
isUpper |
Is number an ASCII uppercase alphabetic char: A-Z |
isUri |
Return if an object is a Uri type |
isWeekday |
Does the given Date or DateTime fall on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, or Fri |
isWeekend |
Does the given Date or DateTime fall on Sat or Sun |
join |
Join two grids by column name. |
joinAll |
Join a list of grids into a single grid. |
keepCols |
Return a new grid with keeps the given columns, but removes all the others. |
last |
Get the last item from an ordered collection or return null if the collection is empty |
lastMonth |
DateSpan for month previous to this month |
lastOfMonth |
Get the last day of the date's month. |
lastQuarter |
DateSpan for 3 month quarter previous to this quarter |
lastWeek |
DateSpan for week previous to this week |
lastYear |
DateSpan for year previous to this year |
libs |
List the lib definitions in the context namespace as Def[]. |
limit |
Truncate stream after given limit is reached. |
localeUse |
Evaluate an expression within a specific locale. |
lower |
Convert a char number or str to ASCII lower case. |
map |
Map list, dict, or grid by applying the given mapping function. |
marker |
Get the marker value singleton |
max |
Compare two numbers and return the larger one. |
merge |
Merge two Dicts together and return a new Dict. |
meta |
Get the meta-data from a grid or col as a dict. |
min |
Compare two numbers and return the smaller one. |
minute |
Get minutes of the time as integer between 0 to 59 from time or datetime |
missing |
If val is a Grid return if it does not have given column name. |
month |
Get month as integer between 1 to 12 from date or datetime |
moveTo |
Find the given item in a list, and move it to the given index. |
na |
Get NA not-available singleton |
name |
If val is a Col, get the column name. |
names |
Get the list of names used by a given dict |
nan |
Return the Number representation of not-a-number |
negInf |
Return the Number representation negative infinity |
now |
Return current DateTime according to context's time zone. |
nowTicks |
Return current time as nanosecond ticks since 1 Jan 2000 UTC. |
nowUtc |
Return current DateTime in UTC. |
numDays |
Number of whole days in a span |
numDaysInMonth |
Get the number of days in a given month. |
occurred |
Return if a timestamp is contained within a Date range. |
padl |
Pad string to the left. |
padr |
Pad string to the right. |
parseAst |
Parse Axon source code into an abstract syntax tree modeled as a tree of dicts. |
parseBool |
Parse a Str into a Bool, legal formats are "true" or "false. |
parseDate |
Parse a Str into a Date. |
parseDateTime |
Parse a Str into a DateTime. |
parseFilter |
Parse a filter string into a |
parseFloat |
Parse a Str into a Float. |
parseInt |
Parse a Str into a integer number using the specified radix. |
parseNumber |
Parse a Str into a number with an option unit. |
parseRef |
Parse a Str into a Ref. |
parseSearch |
Parse a search string into a |
parseSymbol |
Parse a Str into a Symbol. |
parseTime |
Parse a Str into a Time. |
parseUnit |
Parse a Str into a standardized unit name. |
parseUri |
Parse a string into a Uri instance. |
pastMonth |
DateSpan for last 30days |
pastWeek |
DateSpan for last 7 days as |
pastYear |
DateSpan for this past |
posInf |
Return the Number representation positive infinity |
reFind |
Find the first match of regular expression in |
reFindAll |
Find all matches of the regular expression in |
reGroups |
Return a list of the substrings captured by matching the given regular operation against |
reMatches |
Return if regular expression matches entire region of |
reduce |
Reduce a collection to a single value with the given reducer function. |
refDis |
Given a ref return |
refGen |
Generate a new unique Ref identifier |
refProjName |
Given an absolute ref, return its project name. |
relDis |
Get a relative display name. |
remove |
Remove an item from a collection and return a new collection. |
removeCol |
Return a new grid with the given column removed. |
removeCols |
Return a new grid with all the given columns removed. |
removeMarker |
Get the remove value singleton |
renameCol |
Return a new grid with the given column renamed. |
renameCols |
Return a new grid with multiple columns renamed. |
reorderCols |
Return a new grid with the columns reordered. |
replace |
String replace of all occurrences of |
rowToList |
Get a grid row as a list of cells. |
second |
Get seconds of the time as integer between 0 to 59 from time or datetime |
set |
Set a collection item and return a new collection. |
setColMeta |
Return a new grid with column meta-data replaced by given meta dict. |
setMeta |
Return new grid with grid level meta-data replaced by given meta Dict. |
size |
Return number of items in str, list, or grid |
skip |
Skip the given number of items in a stream. |
sort |
Sort a list or grid. |
sortDis |
Sort a grid by row display name - see |
sortr |
Reverse sort a list or grid. |
split |
Split a string by the given separator and trim whitespace. |
spread |
Fold multiple values to compute the difference between the max and min value. |
start |
Start value of a DateSpan, Span or a range. |
startOfWeek |
Return current locale's start of weekday. |
startsWith |
Return if Str starts with the specified Str. |
stream |
Create new stream from given collection |
streamCol |
Create a new stream for the cell values of the given column. |
sum |
Fold multiple values into their numeric sum. |
swizzleRefs |
Given a grid of records, assign new ids and swizzle all internal ref tags. |
tags |
List tag definitions in the context namespace as Def[]. |
terms |
List term definitions (tags and conjuncts) in the context namespace as Def[]. |
thisMonth |
DateSpan for this month as |
thisQuarter |
DateSpan for this 3 month quarter |
thisWeek |
DateSpan for this week as |
thisYear |
DateSpan for this year |
time |
If val is a DateTime: get time portion of the timestamp. |
times |
Call the specified function the given number of times passing the counter. |
to |
Convert a number to the given unit. |
toAxonCode |
Convert a scalar, list, or dict value to its Axon code representation. |
toChar |
Convert a unicode char number into a single char string |
toDateSpan |
Convert the following objects into a |
toGrid |
Given an arbitrary object, translate it to a Grid via |
toHex |
Convert a number to a hexadecimal string. |
toJavaMillis |
Given a DateTime return Number of milliseconds since Unix epoch. |
toList |
If val is a list return it, otherwise return |
toLocale |
Get the localized string for the given tag name or qualified name. |
toRadix |
Convert a number to its string representation in the given radix (base). |
toSpan |
Convert the following objects into a |
toTagName |
Given arbitrary string, convert to a safe tag name - see |
toTimeZone |
Convert a DateTime or Span to another timezone |
today |
Return today's Date according to context's time zone |
transpose |
Perform a matrix transpose on the grid. |
trim |
Trim whitespace from the beginning and end of the string. |
trimEnd |
Trim whitespace only from the end of the string. |
trimStart |
Trim whitespace only from the beginning of the string. |
tz |
Get timezone as city name string in tzinfo database from datetime. |
unique |
Return the unique items in a collection. |
unit |
Given a number return its unit string or null. |
unitsEq |
Return if the two numbers have the same unit. |
upper |
Convert a char number or str to ASCII upper case. |
uriBasename |
Get the basename (last name in path without extension) of a Uri as a string. |
uriDecode |
Parse an ASCII percent encoded string into a Uri according to RFC 3986. |
uriEncode |
Return the percent encoded string for this Uri according to RFC 3986. |
uriExt |
Get the URI extension of a Uri as a string or null. |
uriFrag |
Return if the fragment identifier portion of the a URI after hash symbol |
uriHost |
Get the host Uri as a string or null |
uriIsDir |
Return if the URI path ends in a slash. |
uriName |
Get the name Str of a Uri (last item in path). |
uriPath |
Get the path segments of a Uri as a list of Strs. |
uriPathStr |
Get the path a Uri as a string. |
uriPlusSlash |
Adding trailing slash to the URI. |
uriPort |
Get the port of a Uri as a Number or null |
uriQueryStr |
Return if the query portion of the a URI after question mark |
uriScheme |
Get the scheme of a Uri as a string or null |
vals |
Get the list of values used by a given dict |
weekOfYear |
Given a DateTime or Date, return the week number of the year. |
weekday |
Get weekday as integer from 0 to 6 of Date or DateTime. |
xstr |
Construct decoded |
year |
Get year as integer such as 2010 from date or datetime |
yesterday |
Return yesterday's Date according to context's time zone |
Slot Details
static Number? _as(Number? val, Obj? unit)
Set the unit of a number. Unlike to()
function, no conversion of the scalar of the number is performed. The target unit can be a unit string or a number in which case the scalar value of the unit parameter is ignored (by convention should be 1).
75°F.as(1°C) 75°F.as("°C")
static Obj? _equals(Obj? a, Obj? b)
Return if two values are equivalent. Unlike the standard ==
operator this function will compare the contents of collection values such as lists, dicts, and grids. For non-collection values, the result is the same as the ==
operator. This function does not work with lazy grids such as hisRead result.
static Obj? _trap(Obj? val, Str name)
Function for the ->
operator. If the given value is a dict, then get a value by name, or throw UnknownNameErr if name not mapped. If the value is a Ref, then perform a checked readById
, then perform the name lookup.
The trap function maybe be accessed using the ->
shortcut operator:
dict->foo >>> dict.trap("foo")
See Axon Language.
static Grid addCol(Grid grid, Obj? col, Fn fn)
Add a column to a grid by mapping each row to a new cell value. The col
parameter may be a simple String name or may be a dictionary which must have a "name" tag (any other tags become column meta-data). The mapping function takes (row)
and returns the new cell values for the column.
// add new column named areaMeter readAll(site).addCol("areaMeters") s => s->area.to(1m²) // add new column named areaMeter with dis meta readAll(site).addCol({name:"areaMeters", dis:"Area Meters"}) s => s->area.to(1m²)
static Grid addCols(Grid a, Grid b)
Add grid b as a new set of columns to grid a. If b contains duplicate column names, then they are given auto-generated unique names. If b contains fewer rows then a, then the missing cells are filled with null.
[{a:0, b:2}, {a:1, b:3}].toGrid.addCols({c:4}.toGrid) readAll(rtu).addCols(readAll(meter))
static Obj? all(Obj val, Fn fn)
Return if all the items in a list, dict, or grid match the given test function. If the collection is empty, then return true.
If working with a list, the function takes (val)
or (val, index)
and returns true or false.
If working with a dict, the function takes (val)
or (val, name)
and returns true or false.
If working with a grid, the function takes (row)
or (row, index)
and returns true or false.
If working with a string, the function takes (char)
or (char, index)
and returns true or false.
If working with a stream, then function takes (val)
and returns true or false. See Streams.
[1, 3, 5].all v => v.isOdd >> true [1, 3, 6].all(isOdd) >> false
static Obj? any(Obj val, Fn fn)
Return if any the items in a list, dict, or grid match the given test function. If the collection is empty, then return false.
If working with a list, the function takes (val)
or (val, index)
and returns true or false.
If working with a dict, the function takes (val)
or (val, name)
and returns true or false.
If working with a grid, the function takes (row)
or (row, index)
and returns true or false.
If working with a string, the function takes (char)
or (char, index)
and returns true or false.
If working with a stream, then function takes (val)
and returns true or false. See Streams.
[1, 3, 5].any v => v.isOdd >> true [2, 4, 6].any(isOdd) >> false
@Axon { meta=["foldOn":"Number"] }
static Obj? avg(Obj? val, Obj? acc)
Fold multiple values into their standard average or arithmetic mean. This function is the same as math::mean
. Null values are ignored. Return null if no values.
[7, 2, 3].fold(avg) >> 4
static Obj? call(Obj func, Obj?[]? args := null)
Reflectively call a function with the given arguments. The func may be a Str name or an expression that evaluates to a function. Args is a positional list for each argument. Examples:
call("today") call("replace", ["hi there", "hi", "hello"]) call("parseDate", ["2021-03-15"]) call("parseDate", ["15-Mar-21", "DD-MMM-YY"]) call(parseDate, ["15-Mar-21", "DD-MMM-YY"]) call(parseDate(_, "DD-MMM-YY"), ["15-Mar-21"])
static Str capitalize(Str val)
Return this string with the first character converted to uppercase. The case conversion is for ASCII only. Also see decapitalize()
and upper()
capitalize("apple") >> "Apple"
static Number clamp(Number val, Number min, Number max)
Clamp the number val between the min and max. If its less than min then return min, if its greater than max return max, otherwise return val itself. The min and max must have matching units or be unitless. The result is always in the same unit as val.
14.clamp(10, 20) >> 14 // is between 10 and 20 3.clamp(10, 20) >> 10 // clamps to min 10 73.clamp(10, 20) >> 20 // clamps to max 20 45°F.clamp(60, 80) >> 60°F // min/max can be unitless
static Obj?[] colToList(Grid grid, Obj col)
Get a column as a list of the cell values ordered by row. Also see rowToList()
static Grid colsToLocale(Grid grid)
Localize column display names. For each col which does not have an explicit dislay name, add a dis
tag based on the column name. Also see Grid.colsToLocale
and Localization
static Str decapitalize(Str val)
Return this string with the first character converted to lowercase. The case conversion is for ASCII only. Also see capitalize()
and lower()
decapitalize("Apple") >> "apple"
static Obj? each(Obj val, Fn fn)
Iterate the items of a collection:
- Grid: iterate the rows as (row, index)
- List: iterate the items as (value, index)
- Dict: iterate the name/value pairs (value, name)
- Str: iterate the characters as numbers (char, index)
- Range: iterate the integer range (integer)
- Stream: iterate items as (val); see Streams
static Obj? eachDay(Obj dates, Fn fn)
Iterate the days of a span. The dates
argument may be any object converted into a date range by toDateSpan
. The given function is called with a Date
argument for each iterated day.
f: day => echo(day) eachDay(2010-07-01..2010-07-03, f) >> iterate Jul 1st, 2nd, 3rd eachDay(2010-07, f) >> iterate each day of July 2010 eachDay(pastWeek, f) >> iterate last 7 days
static Obj? eachMonth(Obj dates, Fn fn)
Iterate the months of a span. The dates
argument may be any object converted into a date range by toDateSpan
. The given function is called with a DateSpan
argument for each interated month.
// iterate each month in 2010, and echo data range eachMonth(2010) d => echo(d) // call f once for current method eachMonth(today(), f)
static Obj? eachWhile(Obj val, Fn fn)
Iterate the items of a collection until the given function returns non-null. Once non-null is returned, then break the iteration and return the resulting object. Return null if the function returns null for every item.
- Grid: iterate the rows as (row, index)
- List: iterate the items as (val, index)
- Dict: iterate the name/value pairs (val, name)
- Str: iterate the characters as numbers (char, index)
- Range: iterate the integer range (integer)
- Stream: iterate items as (val); see Streams
static Obj? eval(Str expr)
Evaluate an Axon string expression. The evaluation happens in a new scope and does not have access to the current scope of local variables. Also see call()
and toAxonCode()
eval("2 + 2") eval("now()")
static Fn evalToFunc(Str expr)
Evalate an Axon string expression to a function. Typically the expression is just a function name, but it can be any expression that evaluates to a function. Raise an exception if the expression does not evaluate to a function. Note this call does evalute the given expression in the runtime, so it must be used with caution - never use it with a string from a non-trusted origin.
evalToFunc("now").call evalToFunc("(x, y)=>x+y").call([3, 4]) (evalToFunc("(x, y)=>x+y"))(3, 4) evalToFunc("""replace(_, "x", "_")""").call(["xyz"])
static Obj filter(Expr val, Expr filterExpr)
Apply a filter expression to a collection of dicts. The collection value may be any of the following:
- Grid: returns new grid with filtered rows
- Dict[]: returns list of filtered dicts (nulls are filtered out)
- Col[]: returns list of columns filtered by their meta
- Stream: filters stream of Dicts - see Streams
The filter parameter may one fo the following:
- Axon expression which maps to a filter
- Filter from
- Filter from
// apply to a list of dicts [{v:1}, {v:2}, {v:3}, {v:4}].filter(v >= 3) // apply to a grid and return new grid with matching rows readAll(equip).filter(meter) // apply to a list of columns read(ahu).toPoints.hisRead(yesterday).cols.filter(kind=="Bool") // apply to a stream of dicts readAllStream(equip).filter(siteMeter and elec and meter).collect // apply search filter readAll(equip).filter(parseSearch("RTU-1"))
static Fn filterToFunc(Expr filterExpr)
Convert a filter expression to a function which maybe used with findAll
or find
. The returned function accepts one Dict parameter and returns true/false if the Dict is matched by the filter. Also see filter()
and parseFilter()
// filter for dicts with 'equip' tag list.findAll(filterToFunc(equip)) // filter rows with an 'area' tag over 10,000 grid.findAll(filterToFunc(area > 10_000))
static Obj? find(Obj val, Fn fn)
Find the first matching item in a list or grid by applying the given filter function. If no match is found return null.
If working with a list, the filter should be a function that takes (val)
or (val, index)
. It should return true to match and return the item.
If working with a dict, the filter should be a function that takes (val)
or (val, name)
. It should return true to match and return the item.
If working with a grid, the filter function takes (row)
or (row, index)
and returns true to match and return the row.
If working with a stream, the filter takes (val)
and returns true to match. See Streams.
// find first string longer than 3 chars ["ape", "bat", "charlie", "dingo"].find(x => x.size > 3) // find first odd number [10, 4, 3, 7].find(isOdd)
static Obj? findAll(Obj val, Fn fn)
Find all the items in a list, dict, or grid by applying the given filter function. Also see find
If working with a list, the filter should be a function that takes (val)
or (val, index)
. It should return true to keep the item.
If working with a dict, the filter should be a function that takes (val)
or (val, name)
. It should return the true to keep the name/value pair.
If working with a grid, the filter function takes (row)
or (row, index)
and returns true to keep the row. The resulting grid shares the original's grid meta and columns.
If working with a stream, the filter takes (val)
and returns true to match. See Streams.
// find all the strings longer than 3 chars ["ape", "bat", "charlie", "dingo"].findAll(x => x.size > 3) // find even numbers [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].findAll(isEven) // find all the sites greater than 10,000ft from grid readAll(site).findAll(s => s->area > 10_000ft²)
static Date firstOfMonth(Date date)
Get the first day of given date's month. Also see lastOfMonth()
2009-10-28.firstOfMonth >> 2009-10-01
static Obj? flatMap(Obj val, Fn fn)
Map each item in a list or grid to zero or more new items as a flattened result.
If mapping a list, the mapping should be a function that takes (val)
or (val, index)
. It should return the a list of zero or more new values. See List.flatMap
If mapping a grid, the mapping function takes (row)
or (row,index)
and returns a list of zero or more new Dict rows. See Grid.flatMap
If mapping a stream, the mapping functions takes (val)
. See Streams.
[1, 2, 3].flatMap(v => [v, v+10]) >> [1, 11, 2, 12, 3, 13]
static Obj flatten(List list)
Flatten a list to a single level. If given a list of grids, then flatten rows to a single grid. Also see List.flatten
and Etc.gridFlatten
// flatten a list of numbers [1, [2, 3], [4, [5, 6]]].flatten >> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] // flatten a list of grids ["Carytown", "Gaithersburg"].map(n=>readAll(siteRef->dis==n)).flatten
static Obj? fold(Obj? val, Fn fn)
Fold a list or stream into a single value using given folding function. The folding function signature must be (val, acc)
where val is the items being folded, and acc is an accumulator used to maintain state between iterations. Lifecycle of a fold:
- Call
fn(foldStart, null)
, return initial accumulator state - Call
fn(item, acc)
for every item, return new accumulator state - Call
fn(foldEnd, acc)
return final result
See Streams for streaming details.
The fold will short-circuit and halt immediately if the folding function returns na()
for the accumulator state. The result of the fold is na()
in this case. A folding function should document its behavior when a collection contains na()
Built-in folding functions include:
[1, 2, 3, 4].fold(max) // fold list into its max value [1, 2, 3, 4].fold(avg) // fold list into its average value [1, 2, na(), 3].fold(sum) // => na()
Example of writing your own custom fold function that used start/end values and has support for na():
average: (val, acc) => do if (val == foldStart()) return {sum:0, count:0} if (val == foldEnd()) return acc->sum / acc->count if (val == na()) return na() return {sum: acc->sum + val, count: acc->count + 1} end
Also see reduce()
which is easier to use if doing your own simple rollup computation.
static Grid foldCols(Grid grid, Obj colSelector, Str newColName, Fn fn)
Fold a set of columns in each row into a new folded column and return a new grid. The columns to fold are selected by the colSelector
function and removed from the result. The selector may be a list of string names or a function which takes a Col and returns true to select it. The folding function uses same semantics as fold
// consider grid 'g' with the following structure: a b c --- --- --- 1 10 100 2 20 200 // foldCols, add b and c together to create new bc column g.foldCols(["b", "c"], "bc", sum) // yields this grid: a bc --- --- 1 110 2 220 // we could also replace list of col names with a function colSel: col => col.name == "b" or col.name == "c" g.foldCols(colSel, "bc", sum)
static Str format(Obj? val, Str? pattern := null)
Format an object using the current locale and specified format pattern. Formatting patterns follow Fantom toLocale conventions:
method is found, then returnval.toStr
123.456kW.format >> 123kW 123.456kW.format("#.0") >> 123.5kW today().format("D-MMM-YYYY") >> 8-Feb-2023 today().format("DDD MMMM YYYY") >> 8th February 2023 now().format("D-MMM hh:mm") >> 08-Feb 14:50 now().format("DD/MM/YY k:mmaa") >> 08/02/23 2:50pm
static DateTime fromJavaMillis(Number millis, Str? tz := null)
Given Number of milliseconds since Unix epoch return a DateTime. The epic is defined as 1-Jan-1970 UTC. If timezone is null, use system default. Also see toJavaMillis
static Grid funcs(Expr filterExpr := Literal.nullVal)
Find all the top-levels functions in the current project which match the given filter. If the filter is omitted then return all the functions declared in the current project. The function tags are returned.
funcs() // all functions funcs(sparkRule) // match filter
static Obj? get(Obj? val, Obj? key)
Get an item from a collection:
- str(num): get character at index as int (same semantics as Fantom)
- str(range): get string slice (same semantics as Fantom)
- list(num): get item at given index (same semantics as Fantom)
- list(range): get list slice at given index (same semantics as Fantom)
- dict(key): get item with given key or return null
- grid(num): get row at given index
- grid(range):
The get function maybe be accessed using the []
shortcut operator:
list[3] >> list.get(3)
See Axon Language.
static Obj? getSafe(Obj? val, Obj? key)
Get an item from a str, list, or grid safely when an index is out of bounds:
- str(num): get a character at index or null if index invalid
- str(range): get safe slice or "" if entire range invalid
- list(num): get item at given index or null is index invalid
- list(range): get list slice with safe index
- grid(num): get row at given index or null if index invalid
- grid(range):
with safe range
static Grid gridColKinds(Grid grid)
Given a grid return the types used in each column as a grid with the following:
: string name of the columnkind
: all the different value kinds in the column separated by "|"count
: total number of rows with column with a non-null value Also seereadAllTagNames()
static Dict gridColsToDict(Grid grid, Fn colToKey, Fn colToVal)
Convert grid columns into a dict of name/val pairs. The name/val paris are derived from each column using the given functions. The functions take (col, index)
// create dict of column name to column dis read(temp).hisRead(today).gridColsToDict(c=>c.name, c=>c.meta.dis)
static Grid gridReplace(Grid grid, Obj? from, Obj? to)
Replace every grid cell with the given from
value with the to
value. The resulting grid has the same grid and col meta. Replacement comparison is by via equality via ==
operator, so it will only replace scalar values or null.
grid.gridReplace(null, 0) // replace all null cells with zero grid.gridReplace(na(), 0) // replace all NA cells with zero
static Dict gridRowsToDict(Grid grid, Fn rowToKey, Fn rowToVal)
Convert grid rows into a dict of name/val pairs. The name/value pairs are derived from each row using the given functions. The functions take (row, index)
// create dict of sites with dis:area pairs readAll(site).gridRowsToDict(s=>s.dis.toTagName, s=>s->area)
static Obj? index(Obj val, Obj x, Number offset := Number.zero)
Return the first match of x
in val
searching forward, starting at the specified offset index. A negative offset may be used to access from the end of string. Return null if no occurences are found:
- if
is Str, thenx
is substring. - if
is List, thenx
is item to search.
static Obj? indexr(Obj val, Obj x, Number offset := Number.negOne)
Return the last match of x
in val
searching backward, starting at the specified offset index. A negative offset may be used to access from the end of string. Return null if no occurences are found:
- if
is Str, thenx
is substring. - if
is List, thenx
is item to search.
static Bool isDigit(Number num, Number radix := Number.ten)
Is number a digit in the specified radix. A decimal radix of ten returns true for 0-9. A radix of 16 also returns true for a-f and A-F.
isDigit("5".get(0)) >> true isDigit("A".get(0)) >> false isDigit("A".get(0), 16) >> true
static Bool isHisGrid(Obj? val)
Return if an object is a grid that conforms to the history grid shape
static Bool isMetric(Obj? val := null)
Given an optional value return true if the SI metric system should be used. Return false if the United States customary unit system should be used. The following rules are used:
- if val is a dict with
return return false if "US" - if number or rec with
and unit is known to be a US customary unit return false (right now we only check for °F and Δ°F) - fallback to locale of hosting server, see
isMetric({geoCountry:"US"}) >> false isMetric({geoCountry:"FR"}) >> true isMetric(75°F) >> false isMetric({unit:"Δ°C"}) >> true isMetric() >> fallback to server locale
static Bool isTagName(Str n)
Return if the given string is legal tag name - see Etc.isTagName
static Date lastOfMonth(Date date)
Get the last day of the date's month. Also see firstOfMonth()
2009-10-28.lastOfMonth >> 2009-10-31
static Obj? localeUse(Expr locale, Expr expr)
Evaluate an expression within a specific locale. This enables formatting and parsing of localized text using a locale other than the default for the current context.
// format Date in German localeUse("de", today().format) // parse Date in German localeUse("de", parseDate("01 Mär 2021", "DD MMM YYYY"))
static Obj? lower(Obj val)
Convert a char number or str to ASCII lower case. Also see upper()
and decapitalize()
lower("CAT") >> "cat" lower("Cat") >> "cat" lower(65).toChar >> "a"
static Obj? map(Obj val, Fn fn)
Map list, dict, or grid by applying the given mapping function.
If mapping a list, the mapping should be a function that takes (val)
or (val, index)
. It should return the new value for that index.
If mapping a dict, the mapping should be a function that takes (val)
or (val, name)
. It should return the new value for that name.
If mapping a grid, the mapping function takes (row)
or (row,index)
and returns a new dictionary to use for the row. The resulting grid shares the original's grid level meta. Columns left intact share the old meta-data, new columns have no meta-data. If the mapping function returns null, then that row is removed from the resulting grid (not mapped).
If mapping a range, then the mapping function takes (integer)
, and returns a list for each mapped integer inte the range.
If mapping a stream, the mapping functions takes (val)
. See Streams.
// create list adding ten to each number [1, 2, 3].map(v => v+10) >> [11, 12, 13] // create new list that turns strings into uppercase ["ape", "bee", "cat"].map(upper) // ["APE, "BEE", "CAT"] // create dict adding ten to each value {a:1, b:2, c:3}.map(v => v+10) >> {a:11, b:12, c:13} // create grid with just dis, area column readAll(site).map(s => {dis:s->dis, area:s->area})
Get the marker value singleton Marker.val
@Axon { meta=["foldOn":"Number"] }
static Obj? max(Obj? val, Obj? acc)
Compare two numbers and return the larger one. This function may also be used with fold
to return the largest number (or null if no values). Note number units are not checked nor considered for the comparison.
max(7, 4) >> 7 [7, 2, 4].fold(max) >> 7
@Axon { meta=["foldOn":"Number"] }
static Obj? min(Obj? val, Obj? acc)
Compare two numbers and return the smaller one. This function may also be used with fold
to return the smallest number (or null if no values). Note number units are not checked nor considered for this comparison.
min(7, 4) >> 4 [7, 2, 4].fold(min) >> 2
static Obj[] moveTo(Obj[] list, Obj? item, Number toIndex)
Find the given item in a list, and move it to the given index. All the other items are shifted accordingly. Negative indexes may used to access an index from the end of the list. If the item is not found then this is a no op. Return new list.
[10, 11, 12].moveTo(11, 0) >> [11, 10, 12] [10, 11, 12].moveTo(11, -1) >> [10, 12, 11]
Return current DateTime according to context's time zone. This function will use a cached version which is only accurate to within 250ms (see DateTime.now
for details). Also see nowTicks()
and nowUtc()
static DateTime nowUtc()
Return current DateTime in UTC. This function will use a cached version which is only accurate to within 250ms (see DateTime.nowUtc
for details). Also see now()
and nowTicks()
static Number numDaysInMonth(Obj? month := null)
Get the number of days in a given month. The month parameter may be:
- Date: returns number of days in given month (uses month/year, ignores day)
- Number 1-12: returns days in month for current year
- null: returns day in current month
numDaysInMonth() >>> days in current month numDaysInMonth(1) >>> 31day (days in January) numDaysInMonth(6) >>> 30day (days in June) numDaysInMonth(2) >>> 28day or 29day (days for Feb this year) numDaysInMonth(2012-02-13) >>> 29day (days in Feb for leap year)
static Obj? occurred(Obj? ts, Obj? range)
Return if a timestamp is contained within a Date range. Range may be any value supported by toDateSpan
. Timestamp may be either a Date or a DateTime. Also see contains
ts.occurred(thisWeek) ts.occurred(pastMonth()) ts.occurred(2010-01-01..2010-01-15)
static Dict parseAst(Str src)
Parse Axon source code into an abstract syntax tree modeled as a tree of dicts. Each node has a type
tag which specified the node type. Common AST shapes:
123 => {type:"literal", val:123} a => {type:"var", name:"a"} not a => {type:"not", operand:{type:"var", name:"a"}} a + b => {type:"add", lhs:{type:"var", name:"a"}, rhs:{type:"var", name:"b"}}
NOTE: the keys and structure of the AST is subject to change over time.
static Date? parseDate(Str val, Str pattern := "YYYY-MM-DD", Bool checked := true)
Parse a Str into a Date. If the string cannot be parsed into a valid Date and checked is false then return null, otherwise throw ParseErr. See Date.toLocale
for pattern.
parseDate("7-Feb-23", "D-MMM-YY") parseDate("07/02/23", "DD/MM/YY") parseDate("7 february 2023", "D MMMM YYYY") parseDate("230207", "YYMMDD")
static DateTime? parseDateTime(Str val, Str pattern := "YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:SS.FFFFFFFFFz zzzz", Str tz := TimeZone.cur().name(), Bool checked := true)
Parse a Str into a DateTime. If the string cannot be parsed into a valid DateTime and checked is false then return null, otherwise throw ParseErr. See DateTime.toLocale
for pattern:
YY Two digit year 07 YYYY Four digit year 2007 M One/two digit month 6, 11 MM Two digit month 06, 11 MMM Three letter abbr month Jun, Nov MMMM Full month June, November D One/two digit day 5, 28 DD Two digit day 05, 28 DDD Day with suffix 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 24th WWW Three letter abbr weekday Tue WWWW Full weekday Tuesday V One/two digit week of year 1,52 VV Two digit week of year 01,52 VVV Week of year with suffix 1st,52nd h One digit 24 hour (0-23) 3, 22 hh Two digit 24 hour (0-23) 03, 22 k One digit 12 hour (1-12) 3, 11 kk Two digit 12 hour (1-12) 03, 11 m One digit minutes (0-59) 4, 45 mm Two digit minutes (0-59) 04, 45 s One digit seconds (0-59) 4, 45 ss Two digit seconds (0-59) 04, 45 SS Optional seconds (only if non-zero) f* Fractional secs trailing zeros F* Fractional secs no trailing zeros a Lower case a/p for am/pm a, p aa Lower case am/pm am, pm A Upper case A/P for am/pm A, P AA Upper case AM/PM AM, PM z Time zone offset Z, +03:00 (ISO 8601, XML Schema) zzz Time zone abbr EST, EDT zzzz Time zone name New_York 'xyz' Literal characters '' Single quote literal
parseDateTime("2023-02-07 14:30", "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm") parseDateTime("2023-02-07 14:30", "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm", "Paris") parseDateTime("7/2/23 2:30pm", "D/M/YY k:mma") parseDateTime("2023-02-07T14:30:00", "YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss")
static Number? parseFloat(Str val, Bool checked := true)
Parse a Str into a Float. Representations for infinity and not-a-number are "-INF", "INF", "NaN". If invalid format and checked is false return null, otherwise throw ParseErr. This string value cannot include a unit (see parseNumber).
parseFloat("123.456").format("0.000") parseFloat("NaN") parseFloat("INF")
static Number? parseInt(Str val, Number radix := Number.ten, Bool checked := true)
Parse a Str into a integer number using the specified radix. If invalid format and checked is false return null, otherwise throw ParseErr. This string value cannot include a unit (see parseNumber).
parseInt("123") parseInt("afe8", 16) parseInt("10010", 2)
static Number? parseNumber(Str val, Bool checked := true)
Parse a Str into a number with an option unit. If invalid format and checked is false return null, otherwise throw ParseErr. Also see parseInt
and parseFloat
to parse basic integers and floating point numbers without a unit.
parseNumber("123") parseNumber("123kW") parseNumber("123.567").format("#.000")
static Ref? parseRef(Str val, Obj? dis := null, Bool checked := true)
Parse a Str into a Ref. If the string is not a valid Ref identifier then raise ParseErr or return null based on checked flag. If the string has a leading "@", then it is stripped off before parsing.
parseRef("abc-123") parseRef("@abc-123")
static Filter parseSearch(Str val)
Parse a search string into a Filter
instance. The resulting filter can then be used with read()
, readAll()
, filter()
, or filterToFunc()
The search string is one of the following free patterns:
case insensitive glob with ? and * wildcards (default)re:<regex>
regular expressionf:<filter>
haystack filter
See Nav
for additional details on search syntax.
readAll(parseSearch("RTU-1")) readAll(point).filter(parseSearch("RTU* Fan"))
static Time? parseTime(Str val, Str pattern := "hh:mm:SS", Bool checked := true)
Parse a Str into a Time. If the string cannot be parsed into a valid Time and checked is false then return null, otherwise throw ParseErr. See Time.toLocale
for pattern.
parseTime("14:30", "h:mm") parseTime("2:30pm", "k:mma") parseTime("2:30:00pm", "k:mm:ssa")
static Uri? parseUri(Str val, Bool checked := true)
Parse a string into a Uri instance. If the string cannot be parsed into a valid Uri and checked is false then return null, otherwise throw ParseErr. This function converts an URI from standard form. Use uriDecode
to convert a string from escaped form. See Uri
for a detailed discussion on standard and escaped forms.
"foo bar".parseUri >> `foo bar` "foo%20bar".uriDecode >> `foo bar`
static Obj? reGroups(Obj regex, Str s)
Return a list of the substrings captured by matching the given regular operation against s
. Return null if no matches. The first item in the list is the entire match, and each additional item is matched to ()
arguments in the regex pattern. See AxonUsage.
re: r"(RTU|AHU)-(\d+)" reGroups(re, "AHU") >> null reGroups(re, "AHU-7") >> ["AHU-7", "AHU", "7"]
static Obj? reduce(Obj val, Obj? init, Fn fn)
Reduce a collection to a single value with the given reducer function. The given function is called with each item in the collection along with a current accumulation value. The accumation value is initialized to init
for the first item, and for every subsequent item it is the result of the previous item. Return the final accumulation value. Also see fold
which is preferred if doing standard rollup such as sum or average.
If working with a list, the function takes (acc, val, index)
and returns accumulation value
If working with a grid, the function takes (acc, row, index)
and returns accumulation value
If working with a stream, then function takes (acc, val)
and returns accumulation value See Streams.
[2, 5, 3].reduce(0, (acc, val)=>acc+val) >> 10 [2, 5, 3].reduce(1, (acc, val)=>acc*val) >> 30
static Str? refProjName(Ref ref, Bool checked := true)
Given an absolute ref, return its project name. If the ref is not formatted as "p:proj:r:xxx", then raise an exception or return null based on the checked flag:
refProjName(@p:demo:r:xxx) >> "demo" refProjName(@r:xxx) >> raises exception refProjName(@r:xxx, false) >> null
static Remove removeMarker()
Get the remove value singleton Remove.val
static Obj reorderCols(Obj grid, Str[] colNames)
Return a new grid with the columns reordered. The given list of names represents the new order and must contain the same current column names. Any columns not specified are removed. Also see colNames
, moveTo
, and Streams.
// move name to first col, and foo to last col cols: grid.colNames.moveTo("name", 0).moveTo("foo", -1) return grid.reorderCols(cols)
static Obj?[] rowToList(Row row)
Get a grid row as a list of cells. Sparse cells are included as null. Also see colToList()
static Obj? sort(Obj val, Obj? sorter := null)
Sort a list or grid.
If sorting a list, the sorter should be a function that takes two list items and returns -1, 0, or 1 (typicaly done with the <=>
operator. If no sorter is passed, then the list is sorted by its natural ordering.
If sorting a grid, the sorter can be a column name or a function. If a function, it should take two rows and return -1, 0, or 1.
// sort string list ["bear", "cat", "apple"].sort // sort string list by string size ["bear", "cat", "apple"].sort((a,b) => a.size <=> b.size) // sort sites by area readAll(site).sort((a, b) => a->area <=> b->area)
static Obj? sortDis(Grid val)
Sort a grid by row display name - see Grid.sortDis
// read all sites and sort by display name readAll(site).sortDis
static Obj? split(Str val, Str? sep := null, Dict? opts := null)
Split a string by the given separator and trim whitespace. If sep
is null then split by any whitespace char; otherwise it must be exactly one char long. See Str.split
for detailed behavior.
- noTrim: disable auto-trim of whitespace from start and end of tokens
"a b c".split >> ["a", "b", "c"] "a,b,c".split(",") >> ["a", "b", "c"] "a, b, c".split(",") >> ["a", "b", "c"] "a, b, c".split(",", {noTrim}) >> ["a", " b", " c"]
static Grid swizzleRefs(Grid grid)
Given a grid of records, assign new ids and swizzle all internal ref tags. Each row of the grid must have an id
tag. A new id is generated for each row, and any Ref tags which used one of the old ids is replaced with the new id. This function is handy for copying graphs of recs such as site/equip/point trees.
static Obj? time(Obj val, Number? minutes := null, Number secs := Number.zero)
If val is a DateTime: get time portion of the timestamp. If val is a Number: construct a time instance from hour, minutes, secs (truncated to nearest second).
now().time // current time time(20, 45) // same as 20:45
static Number? to(Number? val, Obj? unit)
Convert a number to the given unit. If the units are not of the same dimension then an exception is raised. The target unit can be a string or a Number. If target unit is a Number, then the scalar value is ignored, but by convention should be 1. Also see as()
function to set a unit without conversion.
10kWh.to(1BTU) 10kWh.to("BTU") 75°F.to(1°C) to(75°F, 1°C)
static DateSpan toDateSpan(Obj? x)
Convert the following objects into a DateSpan
: function which evaluates to date rangeDateSpan
: return itselfDate
: one day rangeSpan
: returnSpan.toDateSpan
: evaluates toDateSpan.fromStr
: starting and ending date (inclusive)Date..Number
: starting date and num of days (day unit required)DateTime..DateTime
: use starting/ending dates; if end is midnight, then use previous dateNumber
: convert as year- null: use projMeta dateSpanDefault or default to today (deprecated)
toDateSpan(2010-07-01..2010-07-03) >> 01-Jul-2010..03-Jul-2010 toDateSpan(2010-07-01..60day) >> 01-Jul-2010..29-Aug-2010 toDateSpan(2010-07) >> 01-Jul-2010..31-Jul-2010 toDateSpan(2010) >> 01-Jan-2010..31-Dec-2010 toDateSpan(pastWeek) // on 9 Aug >> 02-Aug-2010..09-Aug-2010
static Grid toGrid(Obj? val, Dict? meta := null)
Given an arbitrary object, translate it to a Grid via Etc.toGrid
- if grid just return it
- if row in grid of size, return row.grid
- if scalar return 1x1 grid
- if dict return grid where dict is only
- if list of dict return grid where each dict is row
- if list of non-dicts, return one col grid with rows for each item
// create simple grid with dis,age cols and 3 rows: [{dis:"Bob", age:30}, {dis:"Ann", age:40}, {dis:"Dan", age:50}].toGrid
static Number toJavaMillis(DateTime dt)
Given a DateTime return Number of milliseconds since Unix epoch. The epic is defined as 1-Jan-1970 UTC. Also see fromJavaMillis
static Str toLocale(Str key)
Get the localized string for the given tag name or qualified name. If the key is formatted as "pod::name" then route to Env.locale
, otherwise to Etc.tagToLocale
static Span toSpan(Obj? x, Str? tz := null)
Convert the following objects into a Span
: return itselfSpan+tz
: update timezone using same dates only if aligned to midnightStr
: returnSpan.fromStr
using current timezoneStr+tz
: returnSpan.fromStr
using given timezoneDateTime..DateTime
: range of two DateTimesDate..DateTime
: start day for date until the end timestampDateTime..Date
: start timestamp to end of day for end dateDateTime
: span of a single timestampDateSpan
: anything accepted bytoDateSpan
in current timezoneDateSpan+tz
: anything accepted bytoDateSpan
using given timezone
static Str toTagName(Str n)
Given arbitrary string, convert to a safe tag name - see Etc.toTagName
static Obj? unique(Obj val, Obj? key := null)
Return the unique items in a collection. If val is a List then return List.unique
. If val is a Grid then return Grid.unique
where key must be a column name or list of column names.
[1, 1, 2, 2].unique >> [1, 2] grid.unique("geoState") >> unique states grid.unique(["geoCity", geoState"]) >> city,state combos
static Obj? upper(Obj val)
Convert a char number or str to ASCII upper case. Also see lower()
and capitalize()
upper("cat") >> "CAT" upper("Cat") >> "CAT" upper(97).toChar >> "A"
static Uri uriDecode(Str val, Bool checked := true)
Parse an ASCII percent encoded string into a Uri according to RFC 3986. All %HH escape sequences are translated into octects, and then the octect sequence is UTF-8 decoded into a Str. The +
character in the query section is unescaped into a space. If checked if true then throw ParseErr if the string is a malformed URI or if not encoded correctly, otherwise return null. Use parseUri
to parse from standard form. See Uri
for a detailed discussion on standard and encoded forms.
"foo bar".parseUri >> `foo bar` "foo%20bar".uriDecode >> `foo bar`
static Str uriEncode(Uri val)
Return the percent encoded string for this Uri according to RFC 3986. Each section of the Uri is UTF-8 encoded into octects and then percent encoded according to its valid character set. Spaces in the query section are encoded as +
`foo bar`.uriEncode >> "foo%20bar"
static Uri uriPlusSlash(Uri val)
Adding trailing slash to the URI. See Uri.plusSlash