// Copyright (c) 2008, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 7 Nov 08 Brian Frank Creation
** XML processing instruction node.
@Js class XPi : XNode
** Construct a processing instruction with specified target and val.
new make(Str target, Str val)
this.target = target
this.val = val
** Return the `XNodeType.pi`.
override XNodeType nodeType() { return XNodeType.pi }
** Target name for the processing instruction. It
** must be a valid XML name production.
Str target
** String value of processing instruction. This value
** must not contain the "?>".
Str val
** Return string representation of this processing instruction.
override Str toStr()
return "<?${target} ${val}?>"
** Write this node to the output stream.
override Void write(OutStream out)
out.writeChar('<').writeChar('?').writeChars(target).writeChar(' ')