// Copyright (c) 2007, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   9 Jul 07  Brian Frank  Split from Method

** Func models an executable function.  Functions are typed by a
** formal parameter list and return value (or Void if no return).
** Functions are typically defined as method slots on a type, but
** may also be defined via closures.
** An immutable function is one proven to be thread safe:
**   - Method functions are always immutable - see `sys::Method.func`
**   - Closures which only capture final, const variables are always
**     immutable; toImmutable always returns this
**   - Closures which capture non-final or non-const variables are
**     always mutable; toImmutable always throws NotImmutableErr
**   - Closures which capture non-final variables which aren't known
**     to be immutable until runtime (such as Obj or List) will return
**     false for isImmutable, but will provide a toImmutable method which
**     attempts to bind to the current variables by calling toImmutable
**     on each one
**   - Functions created by [Func.bind]`sys::Func.bind` are immutable if
**     the original function is immutable *and* every bound argument is
**     immutable
** The definition of a *final variable* is a variable which is never reassigned
** after it is initialized.  Any variable which is reassigned is considered
** a non-final variable.
** See `docLang::Functions` for details.
final class Func

// Constructor

  ** Private constructor.
  private new make()

// Signature

  ** Type returned by the function or sys::Void if no return value.
  Type returns()

  ** Convenience for 'params.size'
  Int arity()

  ** Get the formal parameters of the function.
  Param[] params()

  ** Return the associated method if this function implements a
  ** method slot.  Otherwise return 'null'.
  ** Examples:
  **   Int#plus.func.method  =>  sys::Int.plus
  Method? method()

// Reflection

  ** Dynamically invoke this function with the specified arguments and return
  ** the result.  If the function has Void return type, then null is returned.
  ** The argument list must match the number and type of required parameters.
  ** If this function represents an instance method (not static and not a
  ** constructor) then the first argument must be the target object.  If the
  ** function supports default parameters, omit arguments to use the defaults.
  ** It is permissible to pass more arguments then the number of method
  ** parameters - the additional arguments are ignored.  If no arguments are
  ** required, you may pass null for args.
  virtual R callList(Obj?[]? args)

  ** Convenience for dynamically invoking an instance method with
  ** specified target and arguments.  If this method maps to an
  ** instance method, then it is semantically equivalent to
  ** 'callList([target, args[0], args[1] ...])'.  Throw UnsupportedErr
  ** if called on a function which is not an instance method.
  virtual R callOn(Obj? target, Obj?[]? args)

  ** Optimized convenience for `callList` for zero to eight parameters.
  virtual R call(A a := null, B b := null, C c := null, D d := null,
                 E e := null, F f := null, G g := null, H h := null)

  ** Create a new function by binding the specified arguments to
  ** this function's parameters.  The new function takes the
  ** remaining unbound parameters.
  ** The resulting function is immutable if this function is
  ** immutable and all the args are immutable.
  Func bind(Obj?[] args)

  ** Return a new function which wraps this function but with
  ** a different reflective type signature.  No verification is
  ** done that this function actually conforms to the new signature.
  ** This method implicitly calls `Type.toNonNullable` on 't'.
  ** Throw ArgErr if 't' isn't a parameterized function type.
  ** Examples:
  **   f := |a,b->Obj| { "$a, $b" }
  **   g := f.retype(|Int,Int->Str|#)
  **   f.type  =>  |Obj?,Obj?->Obj|
  **   g.type  =>  |Int,Int->Str|
  Func retype(Type t)
