// Copyright (c) 2024, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 08 Oct 2024 Matthew Giannini Creation
** A line or portion of a line from the markdown source text
const class SourceLine
// Constructor
new make(Str content, SourceSpan? sourceSpan := null)
this.content = content
this.sourceSpan = sourceSpan
** The line content
const Str content
** The source span if the parser was configured to include it
const SourceSpan? sourceSpan
** Get a new source line that is a substring of this one.
** The beginIndex is inclusive, and the endIndex is exclusive.
SourceLine substring(Int beginIndex, Int endIndex)
if (beginIndex < 0) throw ArgErr("beginIndex: ${beginIndex}")
if (endIndex < 0) throw ArgErr("endIndex: ${endIndex}")
newContent := this.content[beginIndex..<endIndex]
SourceSpan? newSourceSpan := null
if (sourceSpan != null)
colIndex := sourceSpan.columnIndex + beginIndex
len := endIndex - beginIndex
if (len != 0)
newSourceSpan = SourceSpan(sourceSpan.lineIndex, colIndex, len)
return SourceLine(newContent, newSourceSpan)
override Str toStr() { "sourceLine(content=${content})" }
** SourceLines
** A set of lines (`SourceLine`) from the input source.
class SourceLines
static new empty() { SourceLines([,]) }
new makeOne(SourceLine line) : this.make([line]) { }
new make(SourceLine[] lines)
SourceLine[] lines := [,] { private set }
Bool isEmpty() { lines.isEmpty }
Void addLine(SourceLine line) { lines.add(line) }
Str content()
sb := StrBuf()
lines.each |line, i|
if (i != 0) sb.addChar('\n')
return sb.toStr
SourceSpan[] sourceSpans()
sourceSpans := SourceSpan[,]
lines.each |line|
sourceSpan := line.sourceSpan
if (sourceSpan != null) sourceSpans.add(sourceSpan)
return sourceSpans