// Copyright (c) 2024, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 10 Oct 2024 Matthew Giannini Creation
** Scanner is a utility class for parsing lines
class Scanner
// Constructor
new makeLine(SourceLine line) : this.make([line]) { }
new makeSourceLines(SourceLines sourceLines) : this.make(sourceLines.lines) { }
new make(SourceLine[] lines, Int lineIndex := 0, Int index := 0)
this.lines = lines
this.lineIndex = lineIndex
this.index = index
if (!lines.isEmpty)
checkPos(lineIndex, index)
** Lines without newlines at the end. The scanner will yield '\n' between lines
** becaue they're significant for parsing and the final output. There isno
** '\n' after the last line.
private const SourceLine[] lines
** Which line we're at
private Int lineIndex
** The index within the line. If index == length() we pretend that there's a '\n'
** and only advance after we yield that.
private Int index
** Current line or "" if at the end of the lines (using "" isntead of null save check)
private SourceLine line := SourceLine("")
private Int lineLen := 0
** Char representing the end of input source (or outside of the text in case of the
** "previous" methods).
** Note: we can use NULL to represent this because CommonMark does not allow those in
** the input (and they have already been replaced by this point)
internal static const Int END := '\u0000'
// Scanner
** Peek at the next character without consuming it
Int peek()
if (index < lineLen)
return line.content[index]
if (lineIndex < lines.size - 1) return '\n'
else return END
** Peek at the next code point
Int peekCodePoint()
if (index < lineLen)
c := line.content[index]
return c
if (lineIndex < lines.size - 1) return '\n'
else return END
** Peek at the previous codepoint
Int peekPrevCodePoint()
if (index > 0)
prev := index - 1
c := line.content[prev]
return c
if (lineIndex > 0) return '\n'
else return END
** Are there more characters to consume
Bool hasNext()
if (index < lineLen) return true
// no newline at end of last line
return lineIndex < lines.size - 1
** Advance the scanner to the next character
Void next()
if (index > lineLen)
if (lineIndex < lines.size)
index = 0
** Consume as many 'ch' in a row as possible and return the number consumed.
Int matchMultiple(Int ch)
count := 0
while (peek == ch)
return count
** Consume characters while the given function returns 'true' and return
** the number of characters consumed.
Int match(|Int->Bool| f)
count := 0
while (f(peek))
return count
** Consume whitespace and return the number of whitespace characters consumed
** Whitespace is defined as space, \t, \n, \u000B, \f, and \r
Int whitespace()
count := 0
while (true)
switch (peek)
case ' ':
case '\t':
case '\n':
case '\u000B':
case '\f':
case '\r':
// fall-through
return count
** Scan until we find the given 'ch'.
** Return the number of characters skipped, or -1 if we hit
** the end of the line.
Int find(Int ch)
count := 0
while (true)
cur := peek
if (cur == END) return -1
else if (cur == ch) break
return count
** Consume characters until the given function returns true, or the end-of-line
** is reached. Return the number of characters skipped, or -1 if we reach the end.
Int findMatch(|Int->Bool| f)
count := 0
while (true)
c := peek
if (c == END) return -1
else if (f(c)) break
return count
** Check if the specified char is next and advance the position.
** 'ch': the char to check (including newline chars)
** Return true if matched and position was advanced; false otherwise
Bool nextCh(Int ch)
if (peek == ch) { next; return true }
return false
** Check if we have the specified content on the line and advance the position.
** Note that if you want to match newline characters, use `nextCh`.
** 'content': the text content to match on a single line (excluding newline)
** Return true if matched and position was advanced; false otherwise
Bool nextStr(Str content)
if (index < lineLen && index + content.size <= lineLen)
for (i := 0; i < content.size; ++i)
if (line.content[index+i] != content[i])
return false
index += content.size
return true
return false
** Get the current position (current line, index into that line)
Position pos() { Position(lineIndex, index) }
** Set the current position for the scanner
Void setPos(Position pos)
checkPos(pos.lineIndex, pos.index)
this.lineIndex = pos.lineIndex
this.index = pos.index
** For cases where the caller appends the result to a StrBuf, we could offer another
** method to avoid some unnecessary copying.
SourceLines source(Position begin, Position end)
if (begin.lineIndex == end.lineIndex)
// shortcut for common case of text from a single line
line := lines[begin.lineIndex]
newContent := line.content[begin.index..<end.index]
SourceSpan? newSourceSpan := null
sourceSpan := line.sourceSpan
if (sourceSpan != null)
newSourceSpan = SourceSpan(sourceSpan.lineIndex, sourceSpan.columnIndex + begin.index, newContent.size)
return SourceLines(SourceLine(newContent, newSourceSpan))
// get content between multiple lines
sourceLines := SourceLines.empty
firstLine := lines[begin.lineIndex]
sourceLines.addLine(firstLine.substring(begin.index, firstLine.content.size))
// lines between begin and end (we are appending the full line)
for (line := begin.lineIndex + 1; line < end.lineIndex; ++line)
lastLine := lines[end.lineIndex]
sourceLines.addLine(lastLine.substring(0, end.index))
return sourceLines
private Void setLine(SourceLine line)
this.line = line
this.lineLen = line.content.size
private Void checkPos(Int lineIndex, Int index)
if (lineIndex < 0 || lineIndex >= lines.size)
throw ArgErr("Line index ${lineIndex} out of range, number of lines: ${lines.size}")
line := lines.get(lineIndex)
if (index < 0 || index > line.content.size)
throw ArgErr("Index ${index} out of range, line length: ${line.content.size}")
** Position
** A position in the `Scanner` consists of its line index (i.e. line number)
** and its index within the line
const class Position
new make(Int lineIndex, Int index)
this.lineIndex = lineIndex
this.index = index
const Int lineIndex
const Int index
override Str toStr() { "pos(line=${lineIndex}, index=${index})" }