// Copyright (c) 2024, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 08 Oct 2024 Matthew Giannini Creation
** A block parser is able to parse a specific block node.
abstract class BlockParser
** Return true if the block that is parsed is a container (i.e. contains other blocks),
** or false (default) if it's a leaf.
virtual Bool isContainer() { false }
** Return true if the block can have lazy continuation lines.
** Lazy continuation lines are lines that were rejected by this `tryContinue` but
** didn't match any other block parser either.
** If true is returned here, those lines will get added via `addLine`. For false (default),
** the block is closed instead.
virtual Bool canHaveLazyContinuationLines() { false }
** Return true if the this block may contain the child block; false otherwise (default)
virtual Bool canContain(Block childBlock) { false }
** Get the parsed block
abstract Block block()
** Attempt to continue parsing the block from the given state
abstract BlockContinue? tryContinue(ParserState state)
** Default implementation does nothing with the source line
virtual Void addLine(SourceLine line) { }
** Add a source span of the currently parsed block. The default implementation
** adds it to the block. Unless you have some complicated parsing where you need to
** check source positions, you don't need to override this.
virtual Void addSourceSpan(SourceSpan sourceSpan) { block.addSourceSpan(sourceSpan) }
** Return the definitions parsed by this parser. The definitions returned here
** can later be accessed during inline parsing.
virtual DefinitionMap[] definitions() { DefinitionMap#.emptyList }
** Do any processing when the block is closed
virtual Void closeBlock() { }
** Callback to parse inline content
virtual Void parseInlines(InlineParser inlineParser) { }
** BlockParserFactory
** Parser factory for a block node for determining when a block starts.
abstract const class BlockParserFactory
abstract BlockStart? tryStart(ParserState state, MatchedBlockParser matchedBlockParser)
** BlockStart
** Resulting object for starting parsing of a block. See `BlockParserFactory`.
final class BlockStart
static new none() { null }
static new of(BlockParser[] blockParsers) { BlockStart.make(blockParsers) }
private new make(BlockParser[] blockParsers)
this.blockParsers = blockParsers
BlockParser[] blockParsers { private set }
Int newIndex := -1 { private set }
Int newColumn := -1 { private set }
Bool isReplaceActiveBlockParser := false { private set }
This atIndex(Int newIndex) { this.newIndex = newIndex; return this }
This atColumn(Int newColumn) { this.newColumn = newColumn; return this }
This replaceActiveBlockParser() { this.isReplaceActiveBlockParser = true; return this }
** BlockContinue
** Resulting object for continuing parsing of a block.
const class BlockContinue
static new none() { null }
static new atIndex(Int newIndex) { BlockContinue(newIndex, -1, false) }
static new atColumn(Int newColumn) { BlockContinue(-1, newColumn, false) }
static new finished() { BlockContinue(-1, -1, true) }
private new priv_make(Int newIndex, Int newColumn, Bool finalize)
this.newIndex = newIndex
this.newColumn = newColumn
this.finalize = finalize
const Int newIndex
const Int newColumn
const Bool finalize