

specs(scope: null, filter: null)

List Xeto specs as a list of their dict representation. Scope may one of the following:

  • null: return all the top-level specs currently in the using scope
  • lib: return all the top-level specs declared in given library
  • list of lib: all specs in given libraries

A filter may be specified to filter the specs found in the scope. The dict representation for filtering supports a "slots" tag on each spec with a Dict of the effective slots name. This allows filtering slots using the syntax slots->someName.

NOTE: returns the same Spec instances as returned by LibNamespace. The spec meta is modeled using full fidelity and not haystack fidelity. Use specMeta() to normalize to haystack fidelity for use inside Axon.


specs()                  // specs in using scope
specLib("ph").specs      // specs in a given library
specs(null, abstract)    // filter specs with filter expression
specs(null, slots->ahu)  // filter specs have ahu tag




Feature namespace of definitions formatted as feature:name


Axon function