Data point such as a sensor or actuator. See Points chapter.
connPoint |
Point associated with a connector for data synchronization with a remote system |
ecobeePoint |
Point which synchronizes data via an Ecobee connector |
haystackPoint |
Point which synchronizes data via a Haystack connector |
modbusPoint |
Point which synchronizes data via a Haystack connector |
mqttPoint |
Point which synchronizes data via a MQTT connector |
nestPoint |
Point which synchronizes data via a Nest connector |
obixPoint |
Point which synchronizes data via a oBIX connector |
sedonaPoint |
Point which synchronizes data via a Sedona connector |
sqlPoint |
Point which synchronizes data via a SQL connector |
cur-point |
Point with support to report a "real-time" current value |
his-point |
Historized point with a history log of timestamp/value pairs |
synthetic-point |
See Synthetics chapter |
computed-point |
See Synthetics chapter |
ml-point |
See Synthetics chapter |
sim-point |
See Synthetics chapter |
weather-point |
Weather station observation point |
writable-point |
Point with writable output using 16-level priority array |
cur |
Supports current value |
dis |
Display name for an entity |
disMacro |
Display name using macro syntax |
disabled |
Indicates the entity is in a disabled state |
enum |
Defines an eumeration of string key names |
equipRef |
Reference to equip which contains this entity |
his |
Supports historization of data |
id |
Defines the unique identifier of an entity in system using a |
kind |
Kind name used to identity a value data type |
maxVal |
Inclusive maximum for a numeric value |
minVal |
Inclusive minimum for a numeric value |
pointFunction |
Classifies the point as a sensor, command, or setpoint |
pointQuantity |
Quantity the point senses or controls |
pointSubject |
What the point senses or controls |
siteRef |
Reference to site which contains the entity |
spaceRef |
Reference to space which contains this entity |
systemRef |
Reference to system |
tz |
Timezone identifier from standard timezone database |
unit |
Unit identifier from standard unit database |
writable |
Supports writing data |