Equipment to meter a substance or phenomenon. See Meters chapter.
marker |
Marker labels a dict with typing information |
entity |
Top-level dicts with a unique identifier |
equip |
Equipment asset |
elec-meter |
Electricity meter |
ac-elec-meter |
AC Electricity meter |
dc-elec-meter |
DC Electricity meter |
evse-port |
An EVSE port delivers electricity to a single EV charging inlet at a time |
ac-evse-port |
An AC EVSE port delivers |
dc-evse-port |
A DC EVSE port delivers |
flow-meter |
Meter to measure flow rate and total volume of fluid |
dis |
Display name for an entity |
disMacro |
Display name using macro syntax |
equipRef |
Reference to equip which contains this entity |
id |
Defines the unique identifier of an entity in system using a |
meterScope |
Classifies a meter as a main site meter or submeter |
siteRef |
Reference to site which contains the entity |
spaceRef |
Reference to space which contains this entity |
submeterOf |
Reference to parent meter which is immediately upstream of this meter |
systemRef |
Reference to system |