Equipment in air distribution systems which terminate at the space. Terminal units receive air from airHandlingEquip
which have the primarily responsibility to condition air. Terminal units are primarily responsible for delivery of air to the space and tempering the temperature.
marker |
Marker labels a dict with typing information |
entity |
Top-level dicts with a unique identifier |
equip |
Equipment asset |
input |
Entity inputs a substance which flows from another entity |
air-input |
Entity inputs air which flows from another entity |
elec-input |
Entity inputs electricity which flows from another entity |
output |
Entity outputs a substance with flows to other entities |
air-output |
Entity outputs air to other entities |
airRef |
Air flows from the referent to this entity |
dis |
Display name for an entity |
disMacro |
Display name using macro syntax |
ductConfig |
Ductwork configuration |
elecRef |
Electricity flows from the referent to this entity |
equipRef |
Reference to equip which contains this entity |
id |
Defines the unique identifier of an entity in system using a |
siteRef |
Reference to site which contains the entity |
spaceRef |
Reference to space which contains this entity |
systemRef |
Reference to system |