lib mqtt

OverviewBroker ConnectivityPublishSubscribeMQTT Points


The MQTT library implements basic connector support to an MQTT broker. You can publish messages to a broker, and subscribe to messages from a broker by using the obsMqtt observable.

Broker Connectivity

The MQTT library supports connections to a broker using either the 3.1.1 or 5.0 version of the protocol. The protocol version to use can be configured on the connector rec using the mqttVersion tag.

You can specify the client identifier for the connector to use when connecting to the broker by setting the mqttClientId tag on the connector rec. If one is not specified, the connector will auto-generate one the first time it connects and save it on the rec.


To connect to an MQTT broker over TCP/IP, use the mqtt scheme for a plaintext connection, or mqtts for a TLS connection to the broker. If you don't specify a port, then 1883 will be used for mqtt and 8883 will be used for mqtts.

dis: "MQTT Connector"
uri: `mqtt://`
mqttVersion: "v3.1.1"
mqttClientId: "MqttTestClient"

Optional Connect Configuration

By default, the connection to the broker is opened with cleanSession=false (3.1.1) and cleanStart=false (5.0). You can set the mqttCleanSession: true tag on the connector rec to force the connection to use cleanSession/cleanStart.

By default, the session expiry interval is configured for "on-close", meaning the broker will retain client session information until the network connection is closed. Use the mqttSessionExpiryInterval tag on the connector rec to specify the duration for the session to linger after the connection is closed. A value of -1sec indicates that the session should never expire.

Web Sockets

To connect to an MQTT broker using web sockets, use the ws scheme for plaintext connections, and wss for secure web sockets.

dis: "MQTT Connector"
uri: `ws://`
mqttVersion: "v5"
mqttClientId: "MqttWebSocketTest"


By default, the connector will attempt to connect to the MQTT broker anonymously.

If the broker requires a username and password, you can set the username and password tags on the conn rec.

Some MQTT brokers require client certificate authentication over TLS. To configure client certificate authentication, set the mqttCertAlias tag to the alias in the crypto manager that contains your client's private key and certificate. You can add your private key and certificates to the crypto store for SkySpark using the crypto tool or through the UI as described in the https section of the crypto docs.

Some brokers also allow you to connect to the broker over the HTTPS port using Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN). If your broker requires this type of connectivity, you must set the application protocol on the conn rec using the mqttAppProtocols tag. For example. to connect to an AWS IoT broker on the HTTPS port using ALPN you might set up a connector like this

uri: `mqtts://`
mqttVersion: "v3.1.1"
mqttCertAlias: "myMqttClient"
mqttClientId: "MyAwsThing"
mqttAppProtocols: "x-amzn-mqtt-ca"


To publish a message to the broker use the mqttPublish() func.

read(@myMqttConn).mqttPublish("testTopic", "Hello, MQTT!", {mqttQos: 2})


MQTT topic subscription is handled using the task framework. Create a task that subscribes to the obsMqtt observable. The obsMqtt observable fires an event whenever a message is received that matches configured topic filter.

MQTT observations include the following tags:

  • type: "obsMqtt"
  • ts: DateTime when the observation was fired
  • topic: the name of the topic that the message was published to.
  • payload: the payload of the published message. This will be a Fantom Buf object. But you can use the various io functions to read/parse the payload.
  • userProps: the user properties of the published message. This will be a Dict where the keys and values are both Str. User properties are a feature of MQTT v5 only.

These are the config tags:

  • mqttQos: The maximum quality-of-service guarantee you are willing to accept for published messages.
  • obsMqttConnRef: Which connector to subscribe to the topic on
  • obsMqttTopic: the topic filter to subscribe with. This may be a specific topic, or a valid MQTT topic filter. If it is a filter, then your task will receive messages for potentially multiple topics.
obsMqttConnRef: @myMqttConn
obsMqttTopic: "test/#"
mqttQos: 2
(obs) => do
  logInfo("mqttTask", ioReadStr(obs->payload))

MQTT Points

Due to the open nature of MQTT payloads, the MQTT basic connector does not include direct support for points like there are for other connectors. In order to use values from an MQTT topic subscription, obsMqtt tasks can use different approaches based on the message format and requirements:

  1. Make transient commits to the curVal and curStatus tags of a point record and allow the hisCollectCov or hisCollectInterval configuration to trend the data
  2. Use hisWrite() to directly write historical data to a point record

Since there is no standard format for an MQTT message payload the obsMqtt task must get the value(s) out of the message and determine what point record to commit/write the values to.

There could be several ways to determe the point record to write to. One way could simply be using the topic the message is published to and storing the topic on the point record.

For example, imagine each published message has this format:

  "theValue": "79.6",
  "sensor": "temperature",
  "unit": "°F"

Then one way to configure the task is shown below:

obsMqttConnRef: @myMqttConn
obsMqttTopic: "#"
mqttQos: 2
(obs) => do
  msg: ioReadJson(obs->payload, {safeNames})
  myPoint: read(myMqttTopic == obs->topic, false)
  if (myPoint != null)
    diff(myPoint, {curVal:parseNumber(msg->theValue).as(msg->unit), curStatus:"ok"}, {transient}).commit