
OverviewCrypto ToolHTTPSTrusted Certificates


This chapter covers cryptography and management of TLS keys and certificates.

Crypto Tool

Use the crypto command of the hx tool to manage your key and trust store offline. The following sections demonstrate how to use this tool for various common tasks. To run the crypto command do:

# List all available crypto actions
hx crypto

All the crypto actions allow you to specify the directory for your installation. This directory contain the crypto/ directory for your installation.

hx crypto <action> -d ./path/to/dir/


To configure Haxall to serve HTTPS connections, you must first add your server's private key and certificate chain to the crypto keystore, and you must add them to the keystore using alias https. You should use the crypto tool for this:

// Get help on adding entries to the skyarc key store
hx crypto add -help

// Option 1) Import the private key and certificate from an existing key store
// (p12, pfx, jks)
hx crypto add -alias https -import keystore.p12

// If the store is password protected, use the -pass option to specify the password
// NOTE: the terminal/command prompt may interpret certain special characters in your
// password in a way that the import will fail indicating an incorrect password
// was entered. If this happens, change the password on the p12 file to something
// containing only alpha-numeric characters and try again.
hx crypto add -alias https -import keystore.p12 -pass "password"

// Option 2) Import the private key and certificate chain explicitly
hx crypto add -alias https -priv private_key.pem -certs publicCertChain.pem

If you need to update your https certificate you can run the command again and it will overwrite the entry with alias https in the keystore.

After adding the https entry to the keystore, you need to enable https for Haxall by editing the http ext rec to turn on https and specify the https port:

diff(read(ext == "http"), {httpsEnabled:true, httpsPort:8443}).commit

If you are using SkySpark you can enable and configure HTTPS from the HTTP settings view for the host.

A restart is required to enable https. If everything is configured correctly you will see log messages similar to this in the console

[2016-06-09 09:03:12] <web> {} [info] http started on port 8080
[2016-06-09 09:03:12] <web> {} [info] https started on port 8443

If there is a problem loading the https entry from the keystore, you will see an error message similar to this. Make sure you have loaded the private key and certificate chain with alias https.

[2016-06-09 09:05:20] <http> {} [err] Failed to obtain entry with alias 'https' from the keystore. Disabling HTTPS
[2016-06-09 09:05:20] <web> {} [info] http started on port 8080

NOTE: when running https, all http traffic is redirected to https.

In SkySpark you can upload your private key and certificate through the UI using this procedure:

  1. Go to the Host app
  2. Select the Crypto view
  3. Click the Add Cert button
  4. In the dialog specify the alias for the key/cert bundle (e.g. https)
  5. Then paste in the PEM encoding of your private key and certificate chain

Trusted Certificates

Haxall maintains its own trust store for trusted certificates. By default, the trust store includes every trusted certificate in the Java environment. If you are getting this exception when trying to connect via SSL/TLS to a remote host:

PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

then it means that one or more certificates in the certificate chain is not signed by a trusted authority. To trust all the certificates for any SSL/TLS endpoint (e.g. HTTP, SMTP, etc.) use the crypto tool:

// Get help on adding entries to the trust store
hx crypto trust -help

// Usage 1: Trust all certificates in the certificate chain for the given URI.
hx crypto trust -uri

// Usage 2: Add all certificates in the given PEM file to the trust store
hx crypto trust -cert certToTrust.pem

Note: Haxall must be stopped before using the crypto tool.

In SkySpark, you can also use the following procedure:

  1. Go to the Host app
  2. Select the Crypto view
  3. Click the Trust Uri action button
  4. In the dialog enter the uri of the SSl/TLS endpoint for which you want to trust all the certificates. The alias is optional.
  5. Click Ok.

If that procedure fails, you can attempt to trust the URI from the command line using the crypto tool as explained above. Using this tool may give you more insight into why it is failing.