

stripUncommittable(val, opts: null)

Strip any tags which cannot be persistently committed to Folio. This includes special tags such as hisSize and any transient tags the record has defined. If val is Dict, then a single Dict is returned. Otherwise val must be Dict[] or Grid and Dict[] is returned. The mod tag is stripped unless the {mod} option is specified. The id tag is not stripped for cases when adding records with swizzled ids; pass {-id} in options to strip the id tag also.


// strip uncommittable tags and keep id
toCommit: rec.stripUncommittable

// strip uncommittable tags and the id tag
toCommit: rec.stripUncommittable({-id})

// strip uncommittable tags, but keep id and mod
toCommit: rec.stripUncommittable({mod})




Feature namespace of definitions formatted as feature:name


Axon function