Despite Fantom being such a young language, there are many projects for bringing Fantom support to your favorite IDE. Note many of these projects are still in early development.
Eclipse F4 (xored software)
F4 is an Eclipse-based IDE for Fantom which is written mostly in Fantom itself. It can be installed as a set of plugins via Eclipse update site or as a standalone application:
Fantom syntax highlighting for IntelliJ
Netbeans FantomIDE (tcolar)
FantomIDE is an IDE for the Fantom language based on Netbeans It can be installed as a plugin to an existing Netbeans installation or as a standalone IDE. It contains out of the box support for Fantom as well as Java, Javascript, CSS, HTML, XML, Subversion, Mercurial.
This project is obsolete and not maintained anymore.
TextMate Bundle (msl)
Fantom bundle for TextMate:
Sublime Text 3 (mgiannini)
Fantom package for the Sublime Text 3 text editor.
Atom Editor (mgiannini)
Fantom package for the Atom editor.
Visual Studio Code (a-mackay)
Fantom syntax highlighting for the Visual Studio Code editor.
Text Editors
The Fantom distro contains configuration files for many common text editors under "adm/tools" including:
- Emacs
- jEedit
- TextPad
- Vim
The Fantom FWT repo includes a very basic editor called Flux which provides syntax color coding for Fantom, Java, C#, etc.
Camembert (tcolar)
Camembert is a Free, Open source, lightweight IDE, purely written in Fantom.