
OverviewObservationsTask ObserveFantom ObserveObservables


The observable subsystem provides a framework for processing asynchronous data streams. An observable is a named data source which produces an unbounded stream of Dict data items called observations. An observer is a data consumer which subscribes to an observable's data stream. A subscription is the binding between an observable and an observer. All observers process their data items asynchronously on a background thread using an Actor.

All observers are named with a marker def. The following are the built-in observables:

The following are SkySpark only observables:

  • obsArcs: observe when arc documents are created or modified
  • obsSparks: observe when new sparks are detected
  • obsEvents: observe when event dicts are created

There are two mechanisms to setup observers:


The data items produced by an observable are called observations. All the built-in observables model their observations as a Dict. The tags used in the observations are specific to the observable. However all observations have the following standard tags:

  • type: Str name of the observable
  • ts: DateTime in the host's timezone when observation generated

Task Observe

A tasks managed by the task ext can subscribe to an observable using tags. Tasks subscribe to a specific observable by applying the appropiate marker tag and its associated configuration tags.

Fantom Observe

HxLibs written in Fantom may use the HxLib.observe method to subscribe to an observable. The subscription should happen in the onStart callback. The system will automatically handle the unsubscribe if the lib is uninstalled.

Example code:

const class AcmeLib : HxLib
  override Void onStart()
    config := Etc.makeDict1("obsScheduleFreq", Number(5, Unit("sec")))
    observe("obsSchedule", config, #onSchedule)

  Void onSchedule(Dict msg)
    log.info("onSchedule: $msg")


The following sections detail the built-in observables. Each observable defines a custom set of tags used in its observation dicts. Each observable also defines a set of configuration tags used to tune subscriptions.


The obsSchedule observable fires an event periodically based on a configurable schedule.

Schedule observations (events) include only the standard tags:

  • type: "obsSchedule"
  • ts: DateTime when schedule event generated

These are the time oriented config tags (use only one):

  • obsScheduleFreq: duration number to generate events at a fixed frequency. This configures a frequency between event generation which is independent of the observer's execution time. For example a frequency of 10sec which takes 3sec to process each event will run every 10sec, not every 13sec.
  • obsScheduleTimes: a list of one or more Time values to generate events at a time of the day based on the host's default timezone.

These are the date oriented config tags:

  • obsScheduleSpan: a Span XStr which defines the inclusive date range
  • obsScheduleDaysOfWeek: a Str formatted as a comma separated list of weekdays: sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat
  • obsScheduleDaysOfMonth: a Str formatted as a comma separated list of integer days of the month. Negative days are used to index from the last day of the month. For example -1 indicates last day of the month, -2 the second to last day, etc.

You must define exactly one of the time oriented tags: obsScheduleFreq or obsScheduleTimes; they cannot be used together. The dates oriented config tags may be used together as a logical AND.

Example configurations:

// run every 5min every day
obsScheduleFreq: 5min

// run at midnight and at 2pm every day
obsScheduleTimes: [00:00, 14:00]

// run at 2am on weekdays only
obsScheduleTimes: [02:00]
obsScheduleDaysOfWeekdays: "mon,tue,wed,thu,fri"

// run at 2am on 1st and 15th of the month
obsScheduleTimes: [02:00]
obsScheduleDaysOfMonth: "1, 15"

// run at 2am on last day of the month
obsScheduleTimes: [02:00]
obsScheduleDaysOfMonth: "-1"

// run at 2am on first Monday of the month
obsScheduleTimes: [02:00]
obsScheduleDaysOfWeekdays: "mon"
obsScheduleDaysOfMonth: "1,2,3,4,5,6,7"

Schedule observations are suppressed if the observer actor already has messages in its queue. This prevents scheduled events from queuing up if the observer is not processing its messages fast enough.


The obsCommits observable is used to monitor changes to a set of records in the Folio database.

Commit observations include the following tags:

  • type: "obsCommits"
  • ts: DateTime when commit finishes (not the same as the records mod tag)
  • subType: "added, "updated", "removed"
  • id: identifier ref of record
  • oldRec: old version of record dict or empty dict if added
  • newRec: new version of record dict or empty dict if removed
  • user: user dict for commit context or null if outside of a context

These are the config tags:

  • obsFilter: filter string for rec set to observe or omit for all recs
  • obsAdds: marker to listen for added events
  • obsUpdates: marker to listen for updated events
  • obsRemoves: marker to listen for removes events
  • obsAddOnInit: fires an add for observed record set on startup; must be used in conjunction with the obsFilter

You must specify at least one of obsAdds, obsUpdates, or obsRemoves (typically you will use all three). The observations are fired based on records entering and exiting the configured filter set. Adding the trash tag is treated the same as removing the entire record.

Here is an example configuration which observes changes to records marked with the conn tag:

obsFilter: "conn"

In the observer above, if we add the conn tag to an existing record it will receive an "added" event (the same as if adding a new record with that tag). Likewise removing the conn tag or adding the trash tag will fire the "removed" event. Any non-transient diffs to a record with the conn tag will fire an "updated" event.


The obsWatches observable is used to listen for when records go into and out of watch. The "watch" event provides a list of recs that are entering the watched state (transition from zero to at least one watch). The "unwatch" event provides a list of recs that are exiting the watched state (transition to zero watchers).

Watch observations include the following tags:

  • type: "obsWatches"
  • ts: DateTime for transition
  • subType: "watch or "unwatch"
  • recs: list of dict records entering or exiting the watched state

These are the config tags:

  • obsFilter: filter string for rec set to observe or omit for all recs

If an obsFilter is specified, then the initial list of matched recs which are currently in watch is fired upon subscription.

Cur Vals

The obsCurVals observable monitors transient commits to the curVal or curStatus tag. It enables creation of event based logic for cur points.

Observation events include the following tags (follows the exact same pattern as obsCommit events):

  • type: "obsCurVals"
  • ts: DateTime for transient commit
  • subType: "updated"
  • id: identifier ref of record
  • oldRec: old version of record dict
  • newRec: new version of record dict

These are the config tags:

  • obsFilter: filter string for rec set to observe or omit for all recs

Note: exercise caution with this observable because it is easy to subscribe to too much data. As a general rule, you should never observe analog points which might be changing with a high frequency. But rather this observable should only be used for boolean/enum change of state transitions.

His Writes

The obsHisWrites observable listens for history data writes to a historized point.

Observation events include the following tags:

  • type: "obsHisWrites"
  • ts: DateTime of the history write
  • id: identifier ref of record
  • rec: history rec dict
  • count: number of history items written
  • span: start and end timestamps of the items written as Span
  • user: user dict for commit context or null if outside of a context

These are the config tags:

  • obsFilter: filter string for rec set to observe or omit for all recs

Note: only standard history writes with a defined span will trigger this event. Specialized updates such as hisClear() will not necessarily result observations.

Point Writes

The obsPointWrites observable monitors updates to the priority array of writable points. An event is fired only when the effective write value is modified (at the winning level).

Observation events include the following tags:

  • type: "obsPointWrites"
  • ts: DateTime of the point write
  • id: identifier ref of record
  • rec: point rec dict
  • val: effective write value
  • level: effective write level
  • who: string for user or application which issued the write
  • first: marker tag if this is the initial steady state write

These are the config tags:

  • obsFilter: filter string for rec set to observe or omit for all recs


The obsArcs observable listens for document changes managed by the arc lib.

Sparks observations include the following tags:

  • type: "obsArcs"
  • ts: DateTime of the event
  • arc: Grid with the document - see arcRead() for format

These are the config tags:

  • obsFilter: filter string for rec set to observe or omit for all recs


The obsSparks observable listens for new sparks generated today by the rule engine. It is designed to allow an immediate notification as soon as a new spark is detected.

Sparks observations include the following tags:

  • type: "obsSparks"
  • ts: DateTime when spark detected
  • spark: Dict of spark

These are the config tags:

Only sparks detected today are observed (based on host's timezone). A spark for a given target and rule is only observed once per day. However if the system restarts, then sparks will be re-observed when the rule engine runs again. You can force re-observation via the ruleReobserve() function.


The obsEvents observable listens for new events generated by the event engine.

Event observations include the following tags:

  • type: "obsEvents"
  • ts: DateTime when event is created (might be different than event ts)
  • event: Dict of event

These are the config tags:

  • obsFilter: filter string for events to observe or omit for all events