// Copyright (c) 2006, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   3 Nov 06  Brian Frank  Creation

** BuildGroup is the base class for build scripts which compose
** a set of children build scripts into a single group.  The
** target's of a BuildGroup are the union of the target
** names available in the children scripts.
abstract class BuildGroup : BuildScript

  ** Required list of Uris relative to this scriptDir of
  ** Fantom build script files to group together.
  Uri[] childrenScripts := Uri[,]

  ** Compiled children scripts
  once BuildScript[] children()
    acc := BuildScript[,]
    childrenScripts.each |uri|
      f := scriptDir + uri
      log.debug("CompileScript [$f]")
      s := (BuildScript)FanScript(this, f).compile.types.first.make
      s.log = log
    return acc

  ** BuildGroup publishes the union by name of it's
  ** children script targets plus any of its own targets.
  override once TargetMethod[] targets()
    // get union of names in my children scripts
    Str[]? names := null
    children.each |child|
      // get all the target names in this subscript
      Str[] n := child.targets.map |t| { t.name }

      // get union of names
      if (names == null)
        names = n
        names = names.union(n)

    // map names to group targets
    map := Str:TargetMethod[:] { ordered = true }
    names.each |n| { map[n] = GroupTarget(this, n) }

    // add my own targets, which trump children targets
    typeof.methods.each |m|
      if (!m.hasFacet(Target#)) return
      map[m.name] = TargetMethod(this, m)

    // now create a Target for each name
    list := map.vals
    list.moveTo(map["compile"], 0)
    return list

  ** Run the specified target name on each of the
  ** children scripts that support the specified name.
  virtual Void runOnChildren(Str targetName)
    children.each |child|
      target := child.target(targetName, false)
      if (target != null) target.run

  ** Run the specified target name on each of the children
  ** scripts that support the specified name.  Unlike runOnChildren
  ** this method actually spawns a new process to run the child
  ** script.
  virtual Void spawnOnChildren(Str targetName)
    fanExe := Exec.exePath(devHomeDir + `bin/fan`)
    children.each |child|
      target := child.target(targetName)
      if (target != null)
        Exec(this, [fanExe, child.scriptFile.osPath, targetName]).run

  override Void dumpEnv()
    children.each |child| { child.dumpEnv }

internal class GroupTarget : TargetMethod
  new make(BuildGroup s, Str n) : super(s, BuildGroup#runOnChildren) { name = n }
  override const Str name
  override Str help() { "Run '$name' on group" }
  override Void run() { ((BuildGroup)script).runOnChildren(name) }