// Copyright (c) 2007, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 27 Jun 07 Brian Frank Creation
** WebUtil encapsulates several useful utility web methods.
** Also see `sys::MimeType` and its utility methods.
class WebUtil
// Chars
** Return if the specified string is a valid HTTP token production
** which is any ASCII character which is not a control char or a
** separator. The separators characters are:
** "(" | ")" | "<" | ">" | "@" |
** "," | ";" | ":" | "\" | <"> |
** "/" | "[" | "]" | "?" | "=" |
** "{" | "}" | SP | HT
static Bool isToken(Str s)
if (s.isEmpty) return false
return s.all |Int c->Bool| { isTokenChar(c) }
** Return if given char unicode point is allowable within the
** HTTP token production. See `isToken`.
static Bool isTokenChar(Int c)
c < 127 && tokenChars[c]
private static const Bool[] tokenChars
m := Bool[,]
for (i:=0; i<127; ++i) m.add(i > 0x20)
m['('] = false; m[')'] = false; m['<'] = false; m['>'] = false
m['@'] = false; m[','] = false; m[';'] = false; m[':'] = false
m['\\'] = false; m['"'] = false; m['/'] = false; m['['] = false
m[']'] = false; m['?'] = false; m['='] = false; m['{'] = false
m['}'] = false; m[' '] = false; m['\t'] = false;
tokenChars = m
** Return the specified string as a HTTP quoted string according
** to RFC 2616 Section 2.2. The result is wrapped in quotes. Throw
** ArgErr if any character is outside of the ASCII range of 0x20
** to 0x7e. The quote char itself is backslash escaped.
** See `fromQuotedStr`.
static Str toQuotedStr(Str s)
buf := StrBuf()
s.each |Int c|
if (c < 0x20 || c > 0x7e) throw ArgErr("Invalid quoted str chars: $s")
if (c == '"') buf.addChar('\\')
return buf.toStr
** Decode a HTTP quoted string according to RFC 2616 Section 2.2.
** The given string must be wrapped in quotes. See `toQuotedStr`.
static Str fromQuotedStr(Str s)
if (s.size < 2 || s[0] != '"' || s[-1] != '"')
throw ArgErr("Not quoted str: $s")
return s[1..-2].replace("\\\"", "\"")
// Parsing
** Parse a list of comma separated tokens. Any leading
** or trailing whitespace is trimmed from the list of tokens.
static Str[] parseList(Str s)
return s.split(',')
** Parse a series of HTTP headers according to RFC 2616 section
** 4.2. The final CRLF which terminates headers is consumed with
** the stream positioned immediately following. The headers are
** returned as a [case insensitive]`sys::Map.caseInsensitive` map.
** Throw ParseErr if headers are malformed.
static Str:Str parseHeaders(InStream in) { doParseHeaders(in, null) }
// handle set-cookie headers individually
internal static Str:Str doParseHeaders(InStream in, Cookie[]? cookies)
headers := Str:Str[:]
headers.caseInsensitive = true
Str? last := null
// read headers into map
while (true)
peek := in.peek
// CRLF is end of headers
if (peek == CR) break
// if line starts with space it is
// continuation of last header field
if (peek.isSpace && last != null)
headers[last] += " " + WebUtil.readLine(in).trim
// key/value pair
key := token(in, ':').trim
val := token(in, CR).trim
if (in.read != LF)
throw ParseErr("Invalid CRLF line ending")
// set-cookie
if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("Set-Cookie") && cookies != null)
cookie := Cookie.fromStr(val, false)
if (cookie != null) cookies.add(cookie)
// check if key already defined in which case
// this is an append, otherwise its a new pair
dup := headers[key]
if (dup == null)
headers[key] = val
headers[key] = dup + "," + val
last = key
// consume final CRLF
if (in.read != CR || in.read != LF)
throw ParseErr("Invalid CRLF headers ending")
return headers
** Read the next token from the stream up to the specified
** separator. We place a limit of 512 bytes on a single token.
** Consume the separate char too.
private static Str token(InStream in, Int sep)
// read up to separator
tok := in.readStrToken(maxTokenSize) |Int ch->Bool| { return ch == sep }
// sanity checking
if (tok == null) throw IOErr("Unexpected end of stream")
if (tok.size >= maxTokenSize) throw ParseErr("Token too big")
// read separator
return tok
** Given an HTTP header that uses q values, return a map of
** name/q-value pairs. This map has a def value of 0.
** Example:
** compress,gzip => ["compress":1f, "gzip":1f]
** compress;q=0.5,gzip;q=0.0 => ["compress":0.5f, "gzip":0.0f]
static Str:Float parseQVals(Str s)
map := Str:Float[:]
map.def = 0.0f
s.split(',').each |tok|
if (tok.isEmpty) return
name := tok
q := 1.0f
x := tok.index(";")
if (x != null)
name = tok[0..<x].trim
attrs := tok[x+1..-1].trim
qattr := attrs.index("q=")
if (qattr != null)
q = Float.fromStr(attrs[qattr+2..-1], false) ?: 1.0f
map[name] = q
return map
** Write HTTP headers
@NoDoc static Void writeHeaders(OutStream out, Str:Str headers)
headers.each |v,k|
if (v.containsChar('\n')) v = v.splitLines.join("\n ")
out.print(k).print(": ").print(v).print("\r\n")
// IO
** Given a set of HTTP headers map Content-Type to its charset
** or default to UTF-8.
static Charset headersToCharset(Str:Str headers)
ct := headers["Content-Type"]
if (ct != null)
mime := MimeType(ct, false)
if (mime != null) return mime.charset
return Charset.utf8
** Given a set of headers, wrap the specified input stream
** to read the content body:
** 1. If Content-Encoding is 'gzip' then wrap via `sys::Zip.gzipInStream`
** 2. If Content-Length then `makeFixedInStream`
** 3. If Transfer-Encoding is chunked then `makeChunkedInStream`
** 4. If Content-Type assume non-pipelined connection and
** return 'in' directly
** If a stream is returned, then it is automatically configured
** with the correct content encoding based on the Content-Type.
static InStream makeContentInStream(Str:Str headers, InStream in)
// handle Content-Length / Transfer-Encoding
in = doMakeContentInStream(headers, in)
// check for content-encoding
ce := headers["Content-Encoding"]
if (ce != null)
ce = ce.lower
switch (ce)
case "gzip": return Zip.gzipInStream(in)
case "deflate": return Zip.deflateInStream(in)
default: throw IOErr("Unsupported Content-Encoding: $ce")
return in
private static InStream? doMakeContentInStream(Str:Str headers, InStream in)
// map the "Content-Type" response header to the
// appropiate charset or default to UTF-8.
cs := headersToCharset(headers)
// check for fixed content length
len := headers["Content-Length"]
if (len != null)
return makeFixedInStream(in, len.toInt) { charset = cs }
// check for chunked transfer encoding
if (headers.get("Transfer-Encoding", "").lower.contains("chunked"))
return makeChunkedInStream(in) { charset = cs }
// assume open ended content until close
return in
** Given a set of headers, wrap the specified output stream
** to write the content body:
** 1. If Content-Length then `makeFixedOutStream`
** 2. If Content-Type then set Transfer-Encoding header to
** chunked and return `makeChunkedOutStream`
** 3. Assume no content and return null
** If a stream is returned, then it is automatically configured
** with the correct content encoding based on the Content-Type.
static OutStream? makeContentOutStream(Str:Str headers, OutStream out)
// map the "Content-Type" response header to the
// appropiate charset or default to UTF-8.
cs := headersToCharset(headers)
// check for fixed content length
len := headers["Content-Length"]
if (len != null)
return makeFixedOutStream(out, len.toInt) { charset = cs }
// if content-type then assumed chunked output
ct := headers["Content-Type"]
if (ct != null)
headers["Transfer-Encoding"] = "chunked"
return makeChunkedOutStream(out) { charset = cs }
// no content
return null
** Wrap the given input stream to read a fixed number of bytes.
** Once 'fixed' bytes have been read from the underlying input
** stream, the wrapped stream will return end-of-stream. Closing
** the wrapper stream does not close the underlying stream.
static InStream makeFixedInStream(InStream in, Int fixed)
return ChunkInStream(in, fixed)
** Wrap the given input stream to read bytes using a HTTP
** chunked transfer encoding. The wrapped streams provides
** a contiguous stream of bytes until the last chunk is read.
** Closing the wrapper stream does not close the underlying stream.
static InStream makeChunkedInStream(InStream in)
return ChunkInStream(in, null)
** Wrap the given output stream to write a fixed number of bytes.
** Once 'fixed' bytes have been written, attempting to further
** bytes will throw IOErr. Closing the wrapper stream does not
** close the underlying stream.
static OutStream makeFixedOutStream(OutStream out, Int fixed)
return FixedOutStream(out, fixed)
** Wrap the given output stream to write bytes using a HTTP
** chunked transfer encoding. Closing the wrapper stream
** terminates the chunking, but does not close the underlying
** stream.
static OutStream makeChunkedOutStream(OutStream out)
return ChunkOutStream(out)
** Read line of HTTP protocol. Raise exception if unexpected
** end of stream or the line exceeds our max size.
@NoDoc static Str readLine(InStream in)
max := 65536 // 64KB
line := in.readLine(max)
if (line == null) throw IOErr("Unexpected end of stream")
if (line.size == max) throw IOErr("Max request line")
return line
// Multi-Part Forms
** Parse a multipart/form-data input stream. For each part in the
** stream call the given callback function with the part's headers
** and an input stream used to read the part's body. Each callback
** must completely drain the input stream to prepare for the next
** part. Also see `WebReq.parseMultiPartForm`.
static Void parseMultiPart(InStream in, Str boundary, |Str:Str headers, InStream in| cb)
boundary = "--" + boundary
line := WebUtil.readLine(in)
if (line == boundary + "--") return
if (line != boundary) throw IOErr("Expecting boundry line $boundary.toCode")
while (true)
headers := parseHeaders(in)
partIn := MultiPartInStream(in, boundary)
cb(headers, partIn)
if (partIn.endOfParts) break
// JsMain
** Generate the method invocation code used to boostrap into
** JavaScript from a webpage. This *must* be called inside the
** '<head>' tag for the page. The main method will be invoked
** using the 'onLoad' DOM event.
** The 'main' argument can be either a type or method. If no
** method is specified, 'main' is used. If the method is not
** static, a new instance of type is created:
** "foo::Instance" => Instance().main()
** "foo::Instance.bar" => Instance().bar()
** "foo::Static" => Static.main()
** "foo::Static.bar" => Static.bar()
** If 'env' is specified, then vars will be added to and available
** from `sys::Env.vars` on client-side.
@Deprecated { msg="use WebOutStream.initJs" }
static Void jsMain(OutStream out, Str main, [Str:Str]? env := null)
envStr := StrBuf()
if (env?.size > 0)
envStr.add("var env = fan.sys.Map.make(fan.sys.Str.\$type, fan.sys.Str.\$type);\n")
envStr.add(" env.caseInsensitive\$(true);\n")
env.each |v,k|
envStr.add(" ")
v = v.toCode('\'')
// NOTE: uriPodBase is only used for FWT; and this now gets
// configured via normal Env.var moving forward in initJs
if (k == "sys.uriPodBase")
envStr.add("fan.fwt.WidgetPeer.\$uriPodBase = $v;\n")
envStr.add("env.set('$k', $v);\n")
envStr.add(" fan.sys.Env.cur().\$setVars(env);")
"<script type='text/javascript'>
window.addEventListener('load', function()
// inject env vars
// find main
var qname = '$main';
var dot = qname.indexOf('.');
if (dot < 0) qname += '.main';
var main = fan.sys.Slot.findMethod(qname);
// invoke main
if (main.isStatic()) main.call();
else main.callOn(main.parent().make());
}, false);
// Fields
internal const static Int CR := '\r'
internal const static Int LF := '\n'
internal const static Int HT := '\t'
internal const static Int SP := ' '
internal const static Int maxTokenSize := 16384
** ChunkInStream
internal class ChunkInStream : InStream
new make(InStream in, Int? fixed := null) : super(null)
this.in = in
this.noMoreChunks = (fixed != null)
this.chunkRem = (fixed != null) ? fixed : -1
override Int? read()
if (pushback != null && !pushback.isEmpty) return pushback.pop
if (!checkChunk) return null
chunkRem -= 1
return in.read
override Int? readBuf(Buf buf, Int n)
if (pushback != null && !pushback.isEmpty && n > 0)
return 1
if (!checkChunk) return null
numRead := in.readBuf(buf, chunkRem.min(n))
if (numRead != null) chunkRem -= numRead
return numRead
override This unread(Int b)
if (pushback == null) pushback = Int[,]
return this
private Bool checkChunk()
// if we have bytes remaining in this chunk return true
if (chunkRem > 0) return true
// if we have set noMoreChunks this means we at end of the
// logical chunked stream
if (noMoreChunks) return false
// we expect \r\n unless this is first chunk
if (chunkRem != -1 && !WebUtil.readLine(in).isEmpty) throw Err()
// read the next chunk status line
line := WebUtil.readLine(in)
semi := line.index(";")
if (semi != null) line = line[0..semi]
chunkRem = line.trim.toInt(16)
// if we have more chunks keep chugging
if (chunkRem > 0) return true
// we are done so read trailing headers and set noMoreChunks
// flag so that additional reads to this input stream
// always are at end of stream
noMoreChunks = true
return false
catch (Err e)
throw IOErr("Invalid format for HTTP chunked transfer encoding")
override Str toStr() { "$typeof { noMoreChunks=$noMoreChunks chunkRem=$chunkRem pushback=$pushback }" }
InStream in // underlying input stream
Bool noMoreChunks // don't attempt to read more chunks
Int chunkRem // remaining bytes in current chunk (-1 for first chunk)
Int[]? pushback // stack for unread
** FixedOutStream
internal class FixedOutStream : OutStream
new make(OutStream out, Int fixed) : super(null)
this.out = out
this.fixed = fixed
override This write(Int b)
return this
override This writeBuf(Buf buf, Int n := buf.remaining)
out.writeBuf(buf, n)
return this
override This flush()
return this
override Bool close()
return true
catch (Err e) return false
private Void checkChunk(Int n)
written += n
if (written > fixed) throw IOErr("Attempt to write more than Content-Length: $fixed")
OutStream out // underlying output stream
Int? fixed // if non-null, then we're using as one fixed chunk
Int written // number of bytes written in this chunk
** ChunkOutStream
internal class ChunkOutStream : OutStream
new make(OutStream out) : super(null)
this.out = out
this.buffer = Buf(chunkSize + 256)
override This write(Int b)
return this
override This writeBuf(Buf buf, Int n := buf.remaining)
buffer.writeBuf(buf, n)
return this
override This flush()
if (closed) throw IOErr("ChunkOutStream is closed")
if (buffer.size > 0)
out.writeBuf(buffer.flip, buffer.remaining)
return this
override Bool close()
// never write end of chunk more than once
if (closed) return true
closed = true
return true
catch return false
private Void checkChunk()
if (buffer.size >= chunkSize) flush
const static Int chunkSize := 1024
OutStream out // underlying output stream
Buf? buffer // buffer for bytes
Bool closed // have we written final close chunk?
** MultiPartInStream
internal class MultiPartInStream : InStream
new make(InStream in, Str boundary) : super(null)
this.in = in
this.boundary = boundary
this.curLine = Buf(1024)
override Int? read()
if (pushback != null && !pushback.isEmpty) return pushback.pop
if (!checkLine) return null
numRead += 1
return curLine.read
override Int? readBuf(Buf buf, Int n)
if (pushback != null && !pushback.isEmpty && n > 0)
numRead += 1
return 1
if (!checkLine) return null
actualRead := curLine.readBuf(buf, n)
numRead += actualRead
return actualRead
override This unread(Int b)
if (pushback == null) pushback = Int[,]
numRead -= 1
return this
private Bool checkLine()
// if we have bytes remaining in this line return true
if (curLine.remaining > 0) return true
// if we have read boundary, then this part is complete
if (endOfPart) return false
// read the next line or 1kb bytes into curLine buf
while (true)
c := in.readU1
if (c == '\r') continue // don't break if \r is the 1024th byte
if (curLine.size >= 1024) break
if (c == '\n') break
// if not a proper \r\n newline then keep chugging
if (curLine.size < 2 || curLine[-2] != '\r') { curLine.seek(0); return true }
// go ahead and keep reading as long as we have boundary match
for (i:=0; i<boundary.size; ++i)
c := in.readU1
if (c != boundary[i])
if (c == '\r') in.unread(c)
else curLine.write(c)
return true
// we have boundary match, so now figure out if end of parts
curLine.size = curLine.size - boundary.size - 2
c1 := in.readU1
c2 := in.readU1
if (c1 == '-' && c2 == '-')
endOfParts = true
c1 = in.readU1
c2 = in.readU1
if (c1 != '\r' || c2 != '\n') throw IOErr("Fishy boundary " + (c1.toChar + c2.toChar).toCode('"', true))
endOfPart = true
return curLine.size > 0
InStream in
Str boundary
Buf curLine
Int[]? pushback // stack for unread
Bool endOfPart
Bool endOfParts
Int numRead