// Copyright (c) 2010, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 31 Jan 10 Brian Frank Creation
using concurrent
** PathEnv is a simple implementation of a Fantom
** environment which uses a search path to resolve files.
const class PathEnv : Env
** Constructor initializes the search path using the
** 'FAN_ENV_PATH' environment variable (see `sys::Env.vars`).
new make() : super(Env.cur)
vars := super.vars
path := parsePath(null, vars["FAN_ENV_PATH"] ?: "") |msg, err|
log.warn("Parsing FAN_ENV_PATH: $msg", err)
this.vars = vars
this.pathRef = AtomicRef(path.toImmutable)
** Prototype to explore using directory structure to setup
** path by placing a "fan.props" in working directory.
@NoDoc new makeProps(File file) : super.make(Env.cur)
props := file.readProps
vars := super.vars.rw
props.each |v, n|
if (n.startsWith("env.") && n.size > 5) vars[n[4..-1]] = v
workDir := file.parent
path := parsePath(workDir, props["path"] ?: "") |msg, err|
log.warn("Parsing $file.osPath: $msg", err)
this.vars = vars
this.pathRef = AtomicRef(path.toImmutable)
** Parse path string from env var or props file.
** Always put given workDir first and boot homeDir last
@NoDoc static File[] parsePath(File? workDir, Str path, |Str, Err?| onWarn)
// add workDir first
acc := File[,]
// parse path
path.split(';').each |item|
if (item.isEmpty) return
dir := (item.startsWith("..") && workDir != null)
? File.os("$workDir.osPath/$item").normalize
: File.os(item).normalize
if (!dir.exists) dir = File(item.toUri.plusSlash, false).normalize
if (!dir.exists) { onWarn("Dir not found: $dir", null); return }
if (!dir.isDir) { onWarn("Not a dir: $dir", null); return }
doAdd(acc, dir)
catch (Err e) onWarn("Cannot parse path: $path", e)
// ensure homeDir is last
return acc
** Search path of directories in priority order. The
** last item in the path is always the `sys::Env.homeDir`
override File[] path() { pathRef.val }
private const AtomicRef pathRef
** Working directory is always first item in `path`.
override File workDir() { path.first }
** Temp directory is always under `workDir`.
override File tempDir() { workDir + `temp/` }
** Add given directory to the front of the path which
** will update both the workDir and tempDir
@NoDoc Void addToPath(File dir)
dir = dir.normalize
pathRef.val = doAdd(path.dup, dir, 0).toImmutable
** Add a directory to the path only if its not already mapped
private static File[] doAdd(File[] path, File dir, Int insertIndex := -1)
if (!path.contains(dir))
if (insertIndex < 0) path.add(dir)
else path.insert(insertIndex, dir)
return path
** Get the environment variables as a case insensitive, immutable
** map of Str name/value pairs. The environment map is initialized
** from the following sources from lowest priority to highest priority:
** 1. shell environment variables
** 2. Java system properties (Java VM only obviously)
** 3. props in "fan.props" prefixed with "env."
override const Str:Str vars
** Search `path` for given file.
override File? findFile(Uri uri, Bool checked := true)
if (uri.isPathAbs) throw ArgErr("Uri must be rel: $uri")
result := path.eachWhile |dir|
f := dir.plus(uri, false)
return f.exists ? f : null
if (result != null) return result
if (checked) throw UnresolvedErr(uri.toStr)
return null
** Search `path` for all versions of given file.
override File[] findAllFiles(Uri uri)
acc := File[,]
path.each |dir|
f := dir + uri
if (f.exists) acc.add(f)
return acc
** Search `path` for all "lib/fan/*.pod" files.
override Str[] findAllPodNames()
acc := Str:Str[:]
path.each |dir|
lib := dir + `lib/fan/`
lib.list.each |f|
if (f.isDir || f.ext != "pod") return
podName := f.basename
acc[podName] = podName
return acc.keys
private const Log log := Log.get("pathenv")