// Copyright (c) 2010, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   20 Mar 10  Brian Frank  Creation

** CsvOutStream is used to write delimiter-separated values
** as specified by RFC 4180.  Format details:
**   - rows are delimited by a newline
**   - cells are separated by `delimiter` char
**   - cells containing the delimiter, '"' double quote, or
**     newline are quoted; quotes are escaped as '""'
** Also see `CsvInStream`.
class CsvOutStream : OutStream

  ** Wrap the underlying output stream.
  new make(OutStream out) : super(out) {}

  ** Delimiter character; defaults to comma.
  Int delimiter := ','

  ** Write the row of cells with the configured delimiter.
  ** Also see `writeCell`.
  virtual This writeRow(Str[] row)
    row.each |cell, i|
      if (i > 0) writeChar(delimiter)
    return writeChar('\n')

  ** Write a single cell.  If `isQuoteRequired` returns true,
  ** then quote it.
  virtual This writeCell(Str cell)
    if (!isQuoteRequired(cell)) return print(cell)
    cell.each |ch|
      if (ch == '"') writeChar('"')
    return writeChar('"')

  ** Return if the given cell string contains:
  **  - the configured delimiter
  **  - double quote '"' char
  **  - leading/trailing whitespace
  **  - newlines
  Bool isQuoteRequired(Str cell)
    if (cell.isEmpty) return true
    if (cell[0].isSpace || cell[-1].isSpace) return true
    return cell.any |ch| { ch == delimiter || ch == '"' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' }
