// Copyright (c) 2007, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 30 Jun 07 Brian Frank Creation
** SqlConn manages a connection to a relational database.
** See [pod-doc]`pod-doc#connections`.
mixin SqlConn
// Connection
** Open a connection to the database specified by the given
** JDBC uri and username/password credentials. Raise exception
** if connection cannot be established.
** See [pod-doc]`pod-doc#connections`.
static SqlConn open(Str uri, Str? username, Str? password)
** Close the database connection. Closing a connection already
** closed is a no-op. This method is guaranteed to never throw
** an exception. Return true if the connection was closed
** successfully or 'false' if closed abnormally.
** Do not close connections that were created by SqlConnPool. The pool
** handles that for you.
abstract Bool close()
** Return if `close` has been called.
abstract Bool isClosed()
** User data stash for adding cached data to this connection.
abstract Str:Obj? stash()
// Data
** Get the database meta-data
abstract SqlMeta meta()
** Create a statement for this database.
abstract Statement sql(Str sql)
// Transactions
** If auto-commit is true then each statement is executed and committed
** as an individual transaction. Otherwise statements are grouped into
** transaction which must be closed via `commit` or `rollback`.
abstract Bool autoCommit
** Commit all the changes made inside the current transaction.
abstract Void commit()
** Undo any changes made inside the current transaction.
abstract Void rollback()