// Copyright (c) 2024, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 08 Oct 2024 Matthew Giannini Creation
** Base class for all CommonMark AST nodes.
** The CommonMark AST is a tree of nodes where each node
** can have any number of children and one parent - except
** the root node which has no parent.
abstract class Node
// Constructor
new make()
** The parent node or null if this is the root of the AST
virtual Node? parent() { this.p }
** Used by sub-classes to set or clear this node's parent
protected virtual Void setParent(Node? p) { this.p = p }
** Private storage for parent
private Node? p
Node? next { private set }
Node? prev { private set }
Node? firstChild { private set }
Node? lastChild { private set }
SourceSpan[]? sourceSpans := null
&sourceSpans == null ? SourceSpan#.emptyList : &sourceSpans.toImmutable
private set
** Walk the AST using the given visitor. By default, we use reflection
** to call 'visitor.visit${this.typeof.name}'
virtual Void walk(Visitor visitor)
// This allows visitor sub-classes to have custom 'visit<CustomBlockorNode>()' methods
method := visitor.typeof.method("visit${this.typeof.name}", false)
if (method != null) method.callOn(visitor, [this])
// otherwise default back to calling generic visitors for custom nodes
if (this is CustomNode) visitor.visitCustomNode(this)
else if (this is CustomBlock) visitor.visitCustomBlock(this)
else throw ArgErr("no visit method found for ${this.typeof}")
// Tree modification
** Insert the child node as the last child node of this node.
This appendChild(Node child)
if (this.lastChild != null)
this.lastChild.next = child
child.prev = this.lastChild
this.lastChild = child
this.firstChild = child
this.lastChild = child
return this
** Completely detach this node from the AST
Void unlink()
if (this.prev != null)
this.prev.next = this.next
else if (this.parent != null)
this.parent.firstChild = this.next
if (this.next != null)
this.next.prev = this.prev
else if (this.parent != null)
this.parent.lastChild = this.prev
this.p = null
this.next = null
this.prev = null
** Inserts the sibling node after this node
Void insertAfter(Node sibling)
sibling.next = this.next
if (sibling.next != null) sibling.next.prev = sibling
sibling.prev = this
this.next = sibling
sibling.p = this.parent
if (sibling.next == null) sibling.parent.lastChild = sibling
** Inserts the sibiling node before this node
Void insertBefore(Node sibling)
sibling.prev = this.prev
if (sibling.prev != null) sibling.prev.next = sibling
sibling.next = this
this.prev = sibling
sibling.p = this.parent
if (sibling.prev == null) sibling.parent.firstChild = sibling
** Add a source span to the end of the list. If it is null, this is a no-op
Void addSourceSpan(SourceSpan? sourceSpan)
if (sourceSpan == null) return
if (sourceSpans == null) sourceSpans = SourceSpan[,]
** Replace the current source spans with the provided list
Void setSourceSpans(SourceSpan[] sourceSpans)
this.sourceSpans = sourceSpans.isEmpty ? null : sourceSpans.dup
// Utils
** Get nodes between start (exclusive) and end (exclusive)
static Void eachBetween(Node start, Node end, |Node| f)
Node? node := start.next
while (node != null && node !== end)
// need to stash next in case it gets modified by f()
next := node.next
node = next
** Get all the children of the given parent node
static Node[] children(Node parent)
acc := Node[,]
for (child := parent.firstChild; child != null; child = child.next) acc.add(child)
return acc
** Recursively try to find a node with the given type within the children
** of the specified node. Throw if node could not be found
static Node find(Node parent, Type nodeType)
tryFind(parent, nodeType) ?: throw Err("${nodeType} not found")
** Recursively try to find a node with the given type within the children of the
** specified node.
static Node? tryFind(Node parent, Type nodeType)
node := parent.firstChild
while (node != null)
next := node.next
if (node.typeof.fits(nodeType)) return node
result := tryFind(node, nodeType)
if (result != null) return result
node = next
return null
@NoDoc static Void eachChild(Node parent, |Node| f)
node := parent.firstChild
while (node != null)
saveNext := node.next
eachChild(node, f)
node = saveNext
** Dump the node tree to given output stream
@NoDoc static Void dumpTree(Node node, OutStream out := Env.cur.out, Int indent := 0)
sp := " " * indent
child := node.firstChild
while (child != null)
dumpTree(child, out, indent + 2)
child = child.next
/* JAVA version
private void tree(Node node) { tree(node, 0); }
private void tree(Node node, int indent)
String sp = " ".repeat(indent);
System.out.println(sp + node);
Node child = node.getFirstChild();
while (child != null) {
tree(child, indent + 2);
child = child.getNext();
// Obj
override Str toStr() { "${typeof.name}{${toStrAttributes}}" }
virtual protected Str toStrAttributes() { "" }
** HardLineBreak
** Hard line break
class HardLineBreak : Node { }
** SoftLineBreak
** Soft line break
class SoftLineBreak : Node { }
** Delimited
** A node that uses delimiters in the source form, e.g. '*bold*'
mixin Delimited
** Return the opening (beginning) delimiter, e.g. '*'
abstract Str openingDelim()
** Return the closing (ending) delimiter, e.g. '*'
abstract Str closingDelim()
** StrongEmphasis
** Strong emphasis
class StrongEmphasis : Node, Delimited
new make(Str delimiter) { this.delimiter = delimiter }
const Str delimiter
override Str openingDelim() { delimiter }
override Str closingDelim() { delimiter }
** Emphasis
** Emphasis
class Emphasis : Node, Delimited
new make(Str delimiter) { this.delimiter = delimiter }
const Str delimiter
override Str openingDelim() { delimiter }
override Str closingDelim() { delimiter }
** Text
** Text
class Text : Node
new make(Str literal) { this.literal = literal }
Str literal
override protected Str toStrAttributes() { "literal=${literal}" }
** Code
** Code
class Code : Node
new make(Str literal) { this.literal = literal }
const Str literal
** HtmlInline
** HTML inline
class HtmlInline : Node
new make (Str? literal := null) { this.literal = literal }
Str? literal
** CustomNode
** Custom node
class CustomNode : Node { }