// Copyright (c) 2024, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 05 Nov 2024 Matthew Giannini Creation
** Writer for Markdown (CommonMark) text.
class MarkdownWriter
new make(OutStream out)
this.out = out
private OutStream out
private Int blockSep := 0
** The last character that was written
Int lastChar := 0 { private set }
** Wheter we're at the line start (not counting any prefixes),
** i.e. after a `line` or `block`.
Bool atLineStart := true { private set }
// stackso of settings that affect various rendering behaviors. The common pattern
// here is that callers use "push" to change a setting, render some nodes, and then
// "pop" the setting off the stack again to restore previous state
private Str[] prefixes := [,]
private Bool[] tight := [,]
private |Int->Bool|[] rawEscapes := [,]
** Write the supplied string or character (raw/unescaped except if `pushRawEscape`
** was used).
Void raw(Obj obj)
if (obj is Str) rawStr(obj)
else rawCh(obj)
private Void rawStr(Str s)
private Void rawCh(Int c)
** Write the supplied string with escaping
Void text(Str s, |Int->Bool|? escape := null)
if (s.isEmpty) return
writeStr(s, escape)
lastChar = s[-1]
atLineStart = false
** Write a newline (line terminator).
Void line()
atLineStart = true
** Enqueue a block separator to be written before the next text is written.
** Block separators are not written straight away because if there are no more blocks
** to write, we don't want a separator (at the end of the document)
Void block()
// remember whether this should be a tight or loose separator now because tight
// could get changed in between this and the next flush
blockSep = isTight ? 1 : 2
atLineStart = true
** Push a prefix onto the top of the stack. All prefixes are written at the
** beginning of each line, until the prefix is popped again.
Void pushPrefix(Str prefix) { prefixes.add(prefix) }
** Write a prefix
Void writePrefix(Str prefix)
tmp := atLineStart
atLineStart = tmp
** Remove the last prefix from the top of the stack
Void popPrefix() { prefixes.pop }
** Change whether blocks are tight or loose. Loose is the default where blocks are
** separated by a blank line. Tight is where blocks are not separated by a blank line.
** Tight blocks are used in lists, if there are no blank lines within the list.
** Note that changing this does not affect block separators that have already been
** enqueued with `block`, only future ones.
Void pushTight(Bool tight) { this.tight.add(tight) }
** Remove the last "tight" setting from the top of the stack
Void popTight() { this.tight.pop }
** Escape the characters matching the supplied matcher, in all text (text and raw).
** This might be usefult to extensions that add another layer of syntax, e.g. the
** tables extension that uses '|' to separate cells and needs all '|' characters to be
** escaped (even in code spans)
Void pushRawEscape(|Int->Bool| rawEscape) { rawEscapes.add(rawEscape) }
** Remove the last raw escape from the top of the stack
Void popRawEscape() { rawEscapes.pop }
private Void write(Int c)
lastChar = c
atLineStart = false
private Void writeStr(Str s, |Int->Bool|? escape := null)
if (rawEscapes.isEmpty && escape == null)
// normal fast path
s.each |c| { append(c, escape) }
if (!s.isEmpty) lastChar = s[-1]
atLineStart = false
private Void writePrefixes()
prefixes.each |prefix| { writeStr(prefix) }
** If a block separator has been enqueued with `block` but not yet written, write it now
private Void flushBlockSeparator()
if (blockSep != 0)
if (blockSep > 1)
blockSep = 0
private Void append(Int c, |Int->Bool|? escape := null)
if (needsEscaping(c, escape))
if (c == '\n')
// can't escape this with \, use numeric character reference
out.writeChars(" ")
else out.writeChar(c)
private Bool isTight() { !tight.isEmpty && tight.last }
private Bool needsEscaping(Int c, |Int->Bool|? escape)
(escape != null && escape(c)) || rawNeedsEscaping(c)
private Bool rawNeedsEscaping(Int c)
rawEscapes.any |esc| { esc(c) }