// Copyright (c) 2024, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 22 Oct 2024 Matthew Giannini Creation
// **
// ** A delimiter run is one or more of the same delimiter character, e.g. '***'
// **
// mixin DelimiterRun
// {
// ** Whether this can open a delimiter
// abstract Bool canOpen()
// ** Whether this can close a delimiter
// abstract Bool canClose()
// }
** Delimiter
** Delimiter (emphasis, strong emphasis, or custom emphasis)
class Delimiter
// new makeThis(|This| f) { f(this) }
new make(Text[] chars, Int delimChar, Bool canOpen, Bool canClose, Delimiter? prev)
this.chars = chars
this.delimChar = delimChar
this.canOpen = canOpen
this.canClose = canClose
this.prev = prev
this.origSize = chars.size
Text[] chars { private set }
const Int delimChar
** The number of characters originally in this delimiter run; at the start of processing,
** this is the same as `size`
const Int origSize
** can open emphasis, see spec.
const Bool canOpen
** can close emphasis, see spec.
const Bool canClose
Delimiter? prev
Delimiter? next
** The number of characters in this delimiter run (that are left for processing)
Int size() { chars.size }
** Return the innermost opening delimiter, e.g. for '***' this is the last '*'
Text opener() { chars[chars.size - 1] }
** Return the innermost closing delimiter, e.g. for '***' this is the first '*'
Text closer() { chars.first }
** Get the opening delimiter nodes for the specified number of delimiters.
** For example, for a delimiter run '***', calling this with 1 would return the
** last '*'. Calling it with 2 would return the second last '*' and last '*'.
Text[] openers(Int len)
if (!(len >= 1 && len <= this.size))
throw ArgErr("len must be between 1 and ${this.size}, was ${len}")
return chars[(chars.size - len)..<chars.size]
** Get the closing delimiter nodes for the specified number of delimiters.
** For example, for a delimiter run '***', calling this with 1 would return the
** first '*', calling it with 2 would return the first '*' and the second '*'.
Text[] closers(Int len)
if (!(len >= 1 && len <= this.size))
throw ArgErr("len must be between 1 and ${this.size}, was ${len}")
return chars[0..<len]
override Str toStr()
"""Delimiter: ${delimChar.toChar} origSize=${origSize}
chars: ${chars}
canOpen: ${canOpen}
canClose: ${canClose}"""
** Bracket
** Opening bracket for links '[', images '![', or links with other markers.
internal class Bracket
static new link(Text bracketNode, Position bracketPos, Position contentPos,
Bracket? prev, Delimiter? prevDelim)
it.markerNode = null
it.markerPos = null
it.bracketNode = bracketNode
it.bracketPos = bracketPos
it.contentPos = contentPos
it.prev = prev
it.prevDelim = prevDelim
static new withMarker(Text markerNode, Position markerPos, Text bracketNode,
Position bracketPos, Position contentPos, Bracket? prev, Delimiter? prevDelim)
it.markerNode = markerNode
it.markerPos = markerPos
it.bracketNode = bracketNode
it.bracketPos = bracketPos
it.contentPos = contentPos
it.prev = prev
it.prevDelim = prevDelim
new make(|This| f)
** The node of a marker such as '!' if present, null otherwise
Text? markerNode { protected set }
** The position of the marker if present, null otherwise
const Position? markerPos
** The node of '['
Text bracketNode { protected set }
** The position of '['
const Position bracketPos
** The position of the content (after the opening bracket)
const Position contentPos
** The previous bracket
Bracket? prev { private set }
** Previous delimiter (emphasis, etc) before this bracket
Delimiter? prevDelim { private set }
** Whether this bracket is allowed to form a link/image (also known as "active")
Bool allowed := true
** Whether there is an unescaped bracket (opening or closing) after this
** opening bracket in the text parsed so far.
Bool bracketAfter := false