// Copyright (c) 2024, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 10 Oct 2024 Matthew Giannini Creation
** Stores all definitions from the document by definition type
internal class Definitions
new make() { }
private Type:DefinitionMap defsByType := [:]
** Add all definitions from this map into the global set of definitions for that type
Void addDefinitions(DefinitionMap map)
existing := get(map.of)
if (existing == null) defsByType.add(map.of, map)
else existing.addAll(map)
** Get a definition of the given type with the given label
Block? def(Type of, Str label)
map := get(of)
return map == null ? null : map.get(label)
private DefinitionMap? get(Type of) { defsByType[of] }
** A map that can be used to store and lookup reference definitions by a label.
** The labels are case-insensitive and normalized, the same way as for
** LinkReferenceDefinition nodes.
final class DefinitionMap
// Constructor
new make(Type of)
this.of = of
if (!of.fits(Block#)) throw ArgErr("${of} is not a Block")
** The type of definition stored in this map
const Type of
** Store the definitions while maintaining order
private Str:Block defs := Str:Block[:] { ordered = true }
// Definition Map
Block? get(Str label, Block? def := null)
normLabel := Esc.normalizeLabelContent(label)
return defs.get(normLabel, def)
Void addAll(DefinitionMap that)
that.defs.each |def, label|
// note that keys are already normalized, so we can add them directly
if (!defs.containsKey(label)) set(label, def)
** Store a new definition unless one is already in the map. If there is no definition
** for the label yet, return null. Otherwise return the existing definition
** The label is normalized by the definition map before storing.
Block? putIfAbsent(Str label, Block def)
normalizedLabel := Esc.normalizeLabelContent(label)
// spec: when there are multiple matching linke reference definitions, the
// first is used
if (!defs.containsKey(normalizedLabel))
set(normalizedLabel, def)
return null
return defs[normalizedLabel]
** choke-point for setting a label:def pair. It ensures
** the def is an instance of the type stored by this map.
private Void set(Str normLabel, Block def)
if (!def.typeof.fits(of)) throw ArgErr("cannot insert ${def.typeof} into map of ${of}")
defs[normLabel] = def