// Copyright (c) 2024, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   08 Oct 2024  Matthew Giannini  Creation

** A block node.
** We can think of a document as a sequence of blocks - structural
** elements like paragraphs, block quotations, lists, headings, rules,
** and code blocks. Some blocks contain other blocks; others contain
** inline content (text, images, code spans, etc.).
abstract class Block : Node
  override Block? parent() { super.parent }

  protected override Void setParent(Node? p)
    if (p isnot Block)
      throw ArgErr("Parent of block must also be a block")

** Document

** Document is the root node of the AST
final class Document : Block { }

** Heading

** Heading block
class Heading : Block
  new make(Int level := 0) { this.level = level }

  ** The heading "level"
  const Int level

** BlockQuote

** Block quote block
class BlockQuote : Block { }

** FencedCode

** Fenced code block
class FencedCode : Block
  new make(Str? fenceChar := null)
    this.fenceChar = fenceChar

  ** The fence character that was used, e.g. '`', or '~', if available, or null otherwise
  Str? fenceChar

  Int fenceIndent := 0

  ** The length of the opening fence (how many of the `fenceChar` were used to start
  ** the code block) if available, or null otherwise
  Int? openingFenceLen
    set {
      if (it != null && it < 3) throw ArgErr("openingFenceLen needs to be >= 3")
      checkFenceLens(it, closingFenceLen)
      &openingFenceLen = it

  ** The length of the closing fence (how many of the `fenceChar` were used to end
  ** the code block) if available, or null otherwise
  Int? closingFenceLen
    set {
      if (it != null && it < 3) throw ArgErr("closingFenceLen needs to be >= 3")
      checkFenceLens(openingFenceLen, it)
      &closingFenceLen = it

  ** Optional info string (see spec), e.g. 'fantom' in '```fantom'
  Str? info

  Str? literal

  private static Void checkFenceLens(Int? openingFenceLen, Int? closingFenceLen)
    if (openingFenceLen != null && closingFenceLen != null)
      if (closingFenceLen < openingFenceLen)
        throw ArgErr("fence lengths required to be: closingFenceLen >= openingFenceLen")

** HtmlBlock

** HTML block
class HtmlBlock : Block
  new make(Str? literal := null) { this.literal = literal }

  Str? literal

** ThematicBreak

** Thematic break block
class ThematicBreak : Block
  new make(Str? literal := null) { this.literal = literal }

  ** source literal that represents this break, if available
  Str? literal

** IndentedCode

** Indented code block
class IndentedCode : Block
  new make(Str? literal := null) { this.literal = literal }

  ** Indented code literal
  Str? literal

** Abstract base class for list blocks
abstract class ListBlock : Block
  ** Whether this list is tight or loose
  ** spec: A list is loose if any of its constituent list items are separated by blank
  ** lines, or if any of its constituent list items directly contain two block-level
  ** elements with a blank line between them. Otherwise, a list is tight.
  ** (The difference in HTML output is that paragraphs in a loose list are
  ** wrapped in <p> tags, while paragraphs in a tight list are not.)
  Bool tight := false

** BulletList

** Bullet list block
class BulletList : ListBlock
  new make(Str? marker := null) { this.marker = marker }

  ** The bullet list marker that was used, e.g. '-', '*', or '+', if available,
  ** or null otherwise.
  Str? marker

** OrderedList

** Ordered list block
class OrderedList : ListBlock
  new make(Int? startNumber, Str? markerDelim)
    this.startNumber = startNumber
    this.markerDelim = markerDelim

  ** The start number used in the marker, e.g. '1', if available, or null otherwise
  Int? startNumber

  ** The delimiter used in the marker, e.g. '.' or ')', if available, or null otherwise
  Str? markerDelim

** ListItem

** List item
class ListItem : Block
  new make(Int? markerIndent, Int? contentIndent)
    this.markerIndent = markerIndent
    this.contentIndent = contentIndent

  ** The indent of the marker such as '-' or '1.' in columns (spaces or tab stop of 4)
  ** if available, or null otherwise.
  **  - '- Foo'    (marker indent: 0)
  **  - ' - Foo'   (marker indent: 1)
  **  - '  1. Foo' (marker indent: 2)
  Int? markerIndent

  ** The indent of the content in columns (spaces or tab stop of 4) if available
  ** or null otherwise. The content indent is counted from the beginning of the line
  ** and includes the marker on the first line
  **  - '- Foo'     (content indent: 2)
  **  - ' - Foo'    (content indent: 3)
  **  - '  1. Foo'  (content indent: 5)
  ** Note that subsequent lines in the same list item need to be indented by at least
  ** the content indent to be counted as part of the list item.
  Int? contentIndent

** Paragraph

** Paragraph
class Paragraph : Block { }

** CustomBlock

** Custom Block
abstract class CustomBlock : Block { }