// Copyright (c) 2014, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 21 Dec 2014 Andy Frank Creation
using dom
** Text field input element.
** See also: [docDomkit]`docDomkit::Controls#textField`
@Js class TextField : Elem
new make() : super("input")
this.set("type", "text")
this.style.addClass("domkit-control domkit-control-text domkit-TextField")
this.onEvent("input", false) |e|
this.onEvent("keydown", false) |e|
** Preferred width of field in columns, or 'null' for default.
Int? cols
get { this->size }
set { this->size = it }
** Hint that is displayed in the field before a user enters a
** value that describes the expected input, or 'null' for no
** placeholder text.
Str? placeholder
get { this->placeholder }
set { this->placeholder = it }
** Set to 'true' to set field to readonly mode.
Bool ro
get { this.prop("readOnly") }
set { this.setProp("readOnly", it) }
** Set to 'true' to mask characters inputed into field.
Bool password
get { this->type == "password" }
set { this->type = it ? "password" : "text" }
** Value of text field.
Str val
get { this->value }
set { this->value = it; checkUpdate }
** Callback when value is modified by user.
Void onModify(|This| f) { this.cbModify = f }
** Callback when 'enter' key is pressed.
Void onAction(|This| f) { this.cbAction = f }
** Select given range of text
Void select(Int start, Int end)
setProp("selectionStart", start)
setProp("selectionEnd", end)
// framework use only
@NoDoc protected virtual Void onKeyDown(Event e)
if (e.key == Key.enter) fireAction(e)
// framework use only
@NoDoc protected Void fireAction(Event? e) { cbAction?.call(this) }
private Func? cbAction := null
// framework use only
@NoDoc protected Void fireModify(Event? e) { cbModify?.call(this) }
private Func? cbModify := null
// framework use only
private Void checkUpdate()
if (parent is Combo) ((Combo)parent).update(val.trim)