// Copyright (c) 2015, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   17 Feb 2015  Andy Frank  Creation

using concurrent
using dom
using graphics

** Popup window which can be closed clicking outside of element.
** See also: [docDomkit]`docDomkit::Modals#popup`
@Js class Popup : Elem
  new make() : super()
    this.uid = nextId.getAndIncrement
    this.onEvent("keydown", false) |e| { if (e.key == Key.esc) close }
    this->tabIndex = 0

  ** Where to align Popup relative to open(x,y):
  **  - Align.left: align left edge popup to (x,y)
  **  - Align.center: center popup with (x,y)
  **  - Align.right: align right edge of popup to (x,y)
  Align halign := Align.left

  ** Return 'true' if this popup currently open.
  Bool isOpen { private set }

  ** Open this popup in the current Window. If popup is already
  ** open this method does nothing. This method always invokes
  ** `fitBounds` to verify popup does not overflow viewport.
  Void open(Float x, Float y)
    if (isOpen) return

    this.openPos = Point(x, y)

      "left": "${x}px",
      "top":  "${y}px",
      "-webkit-transform": "scale(1)",
      "opacity": "0.0"

    body := Win.cur.doc.body
    body.add(Elem {
      it.id = "domkitPopup-mask-$uid"
      it.onEvent("mousedown", false) |e| {
        if (e.target == this || this.containsChild(e.target)) return


      "opacity": "1"
    ], null, 100ms) { this.focus; fireOpen(null) }

  ** Close this popup. If popup is already closed
  ** this method does nothing.
  Void close()
    this.transition(["transform": "scale(0.75)", "opacity": "0"], null, 100ms)
      mask := Win.cur.doc.elemById("domkitPopup-mask-$uid")

  ** Fit popup with current window bounds. This may move the origin of
  ** where popup is opened, or modify the width or height, or both.
  ** This method is called automatically by `open`.  For content that
  ** is asynchronusly loaded after popup is visible, and that may modify
  ** the initial size, it is good practice to invoke this method to
  ** verify content does not overflow the viewport.
  ** If popup is not open, this method does nothing.
  Void fitBounds()
    // isOpen may not be set yet, so check if mounted.
    if (this.parent == null) return

    x  := openPos.x
    y  := openPos.y
    sz := this.size

    // shift halign if needed
    switch (halign)
      case Align.center: x = gutter.max(x - (sz.w.toInt / 2)); this.style->left = "${x}px"
      case Align.right:  x = gutter.max(x - sz.w.toInt);       this.style->left = "${x}px"

    // adjust if outside viewport
    vp := Win.cur.viewport
    if (sz.w + gutter + gutter > vp.w) this.style->width  = "${vp.w-gutter-gutter}px"
    if (sz.h + gutter + gutter > vp.h) this.style->height = "${vp.h-gutter-gutter}px"

    // refresh size
    sz = this.size
    if ((x + sz.w + gutter) > vp.w) this.style->left = "${vp.w-sz.w-gutter}px"
    if ((y + sz.h + gutter) > vp.h) this.style->top  = "${vp.h-sz.h-gutter}px"

  ** Protected sub-class callback invoked directly before popup is visible.
  protected virtual Void onBeforeOpen() {}

  ** Callback when popup is opened.
  Void onOpen(|This| f) { cbOpen = f }

  ** Callback when popup is closed.
  Void onClose(|This| f) { cbClose = f }

  ** Internal callback when popup is closed.
  internal Void _onClose(|This| f) { _cbClose = f }

  private Void fireOpen(Event? e)  { cbOpen?.call(this); isOpen=true  }
  private Void fireClose(Event? e)
    isOpen = false

  private const Int uid
  private static const AtomicInt nextId := AtomicInt(0)
  private static const Float gutter := 12f
  private Point? openPos
  private Func? cbOpen
  private Func? cbClose
  private Func? _cbClose