// Copyright (c) 2006, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   3 Nov 06  Brian Frank  Creation

using compiler

** BuildPod is the base class for build scripts used to manage
** building a Fantom source code and resources into a Fantom pod.
** See `docTools::Build` for details.
abstract class BuildPod : BuildScript

// Env

  ** Required name of the pod.
  Str? podName := null

  ** Required summary description of pod.
  Str? summary := null

  ** Version of the pod - default is set to `BuildScript.config`
  ** prop 'buildVersion'.
  Version version := Version(config("buildVersion", "0"))

  ** List of dependencies for pod formatted as `sys::Depend`.
  ** Strings are automatically run through `BuildScript.applyMacros`.
  Str[] depends := Str[,]

  ** Pod meta-data name/value pairs to compile into pod.  See `sys::Pod.meta`.
  Str:Str meta := Str:Str[:] { ordered = true }

  ** Pod index name/value pairs to compile into pod.  See `sys::Env.index`.
  ** The index values can be a single Str or a Str[] if there are
  ** multiple values mapped to one key.
  Str:Obj index := Str:Obj[:]

  ** Indicates if if fandoc API should be included in the documentation.
  ** By default API *is* included.
  Bool docApi := true

  ** Indicates if if source code should be included in the pod/documentation.
  ** By default source code it *not* included.
  Bool docSrc := false

  ** List of Uris relative to build script of directories containing
  ** the Fan source files to compile.
  Uri[]? srcDirs

  ** List of optional Uris relative to build script of directories of
  ** resources files to package into pod zip file.  If a file has a "jar"
  ** extension then its contents are unzipped into the target pod.
  Uri[]? resDirs

  ** List of Uris relative to build script of directories containing
  ** the Java source files to compile for Java native methods.
  Uri[]? javaDirs

  ** List of Uris relative to build script of directories containing
  ** the JNI C source files to compile.
  Uri[]? jniDirs

  ** If non-null, whitelist of platforms JNI should be enabled for.
  ** Platform string may be full platform name ("macosx-x86_64") or OS
  ** only ("macosx").
  Str[]? jniPlatforms

  ** List of Uris relative to build script of directories containing
  ** the C# source files to compile for .NET native methods.
  Uri[]? dotnetDirs

  ** List of Uris relative to build script of directories containing
  ** the JavaScript source files to compile for JavaScript native methods.
  Uri[]? jsDirs

  ** List of Uris relative to build script that should be searched for '.props'
  ** files to compile to JavaScript. You may also give relative paths to files
  ** with a '.props' ext.  If this field is null, it defaults to `resDirs`.
  Uri[]? jsProps

  ** The directory to look in for the dependency pod file (and
  ** potentially their recursive dependencies).  If null then we
  ** use the compiler's own pod definitions via reflection (which
  ** is more efficient).  As a general rule you shouldn't mess
  ** with this field - it is used by the 'build' and 'compiler'
  ** build scripts for bootstrap build.
  Uri? dependsDir := null

  ** Directory to output pod file.  By default it goes into
  ** "{Env.cur.workDir}/lib/fan/"
  Uri outPodDir := Env.cur.workDir.plus(`lib/fan/`).uri

  ** Directory to output documentation (docs always get placed in sub-directory
  ** named by pod).  By default it goes into
  ** "{Env.cur.workDir}/doc/"
  Uri outDocDir := Env.cur.workDir.plus(`doc/`).uri

// Validate

  private Void validate()
    if (podName == null) throw fatal("Must set BuildPod.podName")
    if (summary == null) throw fatal("Must set BuildPod.summary")

    // boot strap checking
    if (["sys", "build", "compiler", "compilerJava"].contains(podName))
      if (Env.cur.homeDir == devHomeDir)
        throw fatal("Must update 'devHome' for bootstrap build")

// Compile

  ** Compile the source into a pod file and all associated
  ** natives.  See `compileFan`, `compileJava`, and `compileDotnet`.
  @Target { help = "Compile to pod file and associated natives" }
  virtual Void compile()

    log.info("compile [$podName]")

//    compileDotnet

  ** Compile to all classes to run in Node.js
  @Target { help = "Compile all types to run in Node.js" }
  virtual Void nodeJs()
    switch (podName)
      case "compilerJs":
      case "compilerEs":
      case "testCompiler":


    log.info("nodeJs [$podName]")



// Compile Fan

  ** Compile Fan code into pod file
  virtual Void compileFan()
    // generate standard compiler input
    ci := stdFanCompilerInput

    // subclass hook

    catch (CompilerErr err)
      // all errors should already be logged by Compiler
      throw FatalBuildErr()
    catch (Err err)
      log.err("Internal compiler error")
      throw FatalBuildErr.make

  @NoDoc protected virtual CompilerInput stdFanCompilerInput()
    // add my own meta
    meta := this.meta.dup
    meta["pod.docApi"] = docApi.toStr
    meta["pod.docSrc"] = docSrc.toStr
    meta["pod.native.java"]   = (javaDirs   != null && !javaDirs.isEmpty).toStr
    meta["pod.native.jni"]    = (jniDirs    != null && !jniDirs.isEmpty).toStr
    meta["pod.native.dotnet"] = (dotnetDirs != null && !dotnetDirs.isEmpty).toStr
    meta["pod.native.js"]     = (jsDirs     != null && !jsDirs.isEmpty).toStr

    // TODO: add additinal meta props defined by config file/env var
    // this behavior is not guaranteed in future versions, rather we
    // need to potentially overhaul how build data is defined
    // See topic https://fantom.org/forum/topic/1584
    config("meta", "").split(',').each |pair|
      if (pair.isEmpty) return
      tuples := pair.split('=')
      if (tuples.size != 2) throw Err("Invalid config meta: $pair")
      meta[tuples[0]] = tuples[1]

    // if stripTest config property is set to true then don't
    // compile any Fantom code under test/ or include any res files
    srcDirs := this.srcDirs
    resDirs := this.resDirs
    if (config("stripTest", "false") == "true")
      if (srcDirs != null) srcDirs = srcDirs.dup.findAll |uri| { uri.path.first != "test" }
      if (resDirs != null) resDirs = resDirs.dup.findAll |uri| { uri.path.first != "test" }

    // stripDocs overrides the configured docApi
    if (config("stripDocs", "false") == "true")
      docApi = false

    // stripSrc overrides the configured docSrc
    if (config("stripSrc", "false") == "true")
      docSrc = false

    // map my config to CompilerInput structure
    ci := CompilerInput()
    ci.inputLoc     = Loc.makeFile(scriptFile)
    ci.podName      = podName
    ci.summary      = summary
    ci.version      = version
    ci.depends      = depends.map |s->Depend| { Depend(applyMacros(s)) }
    ci.meta         = meta
    ci.index        = index
    ci.baseDir      = scriptDir
    ci.srcFiles     = srcDirs
    ci.resFiles     = resDirs
    ci.jsFiles      = jsDirs
    ci.jsPropsFiles = jsProps ?: resDirs
    ci.log          = log
    ci.includeDoc   = docApi
    ci.includeSrc   = docSrc
    ci.mode         = CompilerInputMode.file
    ci.outDir       = outPodDir.toFile
    ci.output       = CompilerOutputMode.podFile

    if (dependsDir != null)
      f := dependsDir.toFile
      if (!f.exists) throw fatal("Invalid dependsDir: $f")
      ci.ns = FPodNamespace(f)

    return ci

  ** Callback to tune the Fantom compiler input
  virtual Void onCompileFan(CompilerInput ci) {}

// Compile Java

  ** Compile Java class files if javaDirs is configured
  virtual Void compileJava()
    if (this.javaDirs == null) return
    javaDirs := resolveDirs(this.javaDirs)

    log.info("javaNative [$podName]")

    // env
    jtemp    := scriptDir + `temp-java/`
    jstub    := jtemp + "${podName}.jar".toUri
    jdk      := JdkTask(this)
    javaExe  := jdk.javaExe
    jarExe   := jdk.jarExe
    sysJar   := devHomeDir + `lib/java/sys.jar`
    libFan   := devHomeDir + `lib/fan/`
    curPod   := outPodDir.toFile + `${podName}.pod`
    depends  := depends.map |s->Depend| { Depend(applyMacros(s)) }

    // stub the pods fan classes into Java classfiles
    // by calling the JStub tool in the jsys runtime
    Exec(this, [javaExe,
                "-cp", sysJar.osPath,
                "-d", jtemp.osPath,

    // compile
    if (!javaDirs.isEmpty)
      javac := CompileJava(this)
      javac.outDir = jtemp
      depends.each |Depend d| { javac.cp.add(Env.cur.findPodFile(d.name)) }
      javac.src = javaDirs

    // extract stub jar into the temp directory
    Exec(this, [jarExe, "-xf", jstub.osPath], jtemp).run

    // now we can nuke the stub jar (and manifest)
    Delete(this, jstub).run
    Delete(this, jtemp + `meta-inf/`).run

    // append files to the pod zip (we use java's jar tool)
    Exec(this, [jarExe, "-fu", curPod.osPath, "-C", jtemp.osPath, "."], jtemp).run

    // cleanup temp
    Delete(this, jtemp).run


// JNI

  ** Compile JNI bindings if jniDirs configured.
  virtual Void compileJni()
    if (jniDirs == null) return

    log.info("JNI [$podName]")

    // check whitelist
    if (jniPlatforms != null)
      if (!jniPlatforms.contains(Env.cur.os) &&
        log.info("  Skipping platform $Env.cur.platform")

    // env
    jtemp := scriptDir + `temp-jni/`
    jdirs := this->resolveDirs(jniDirs)

    // start with a clean directory
    Delete(this, jtemp).run
    CreateDir(this, jtemp).run

    // compile
    cc := CompileJni(this)
    cc.src = jdirs
    cc.out = jtemp
    cc.lib = podName

    // override target platform
    plat := config("jniPlatform") ?: Env.cur.platform

    // move files to /lib/java/ext/<plat>/
    libSrc := jtemp + cc.platLib
    libDst := (outPodDir.parent + `java/ext/${plat}/${cc.platLib}`).toFile
    log.info("Move [$libDst.osPath]")
    libSrc.copyTo(libDst, ["overwrite":true])

    // cleanup temp
    Delete(this, jtemp).run


// Javascript

  ** Compile to javascript node module
  virtual Void compileNodeJs()
    ci := stdFanCompilerInput
    ci.forceJs = true
      c := Compiler(ci)

      esmDir := Env.cur.homeDir.plus(`lib/es/esm/`)
      if (Env.cur.vars.containsKey("FAN_ESM_DIR"))
        esmDir = Env.cur.vars["FAN_ESM_DIR"].toUri.toFile

      if (c.esm != null)

        // write ts declarations
        t := Type.find("nodeJs::GenTsDecl", false)
        if (t == null) return
        decl := esmDir.plus(`${podName}.d.ts`).out
        t.make([decl, c.pod, ["allTypes":true]])->run
    catch (CompilerErr err)
      throw FatalBuildErr()
    catch (Err err)
      log.err("Internal compiler error")
      throw FatalBuildErr()

// DotnetNative

  ** Compile native .NET assembly dotnetDirs configured
  virtual Void compileDotnet()
    if (dotnetDirs == null) return

    if (Env.cur.os != "win32")
      log.info("dotnetNative skipping [$podName]")

    log.info("dotnetNative [$podName]")

    // env
    ntemp := scriptDir + `temp-dotnet/`
    nstub := ntemp + `${podName}.dll`
    nout  := ntemp + `${podName}Native_.dll`
    ndirs := resolveDirs(dotnetDirs)
    nlibs := [devHomeDir+`lib/dotnet/sys.dll`, nstub]
    nstubExe := devHomeDir + `bin/nstub`

    // start with a clean directory
    Delete(this, ntemp).run
    CreateDir(this, ntemp).run

    // stub the pods fan classes into Java classfiles
    // by calling the JStub tool in the jsys runtime
    Exec(this, [nstubExe.osPath, "-d", ntemp.osPath, podName]).run

    // compile
    csc := CompileCs(this)
    csc.output = nout
    csc.targetType = "library"
    csc.src  = ndirs
    csc.libs = nlibs

    // append files to the pod zip (we use java's jar tool)
    jdk    := JdkTask(this)
    jarExe := jdk.jarExe
    curPod := devHomeDir + `lib/fan/${podName}.pod`
    Exec(this, [jarExe, "-fu", curPod.osPath, "-C", ntemp.osPath,
      "${podName}Native_.dll", "${podName}Native_.pdb"], ntemp).run

    // cleanup temp
    Delete(this, ntemp).run


// Clean

  ** Delete all intermediate and target files
  @Target { help = "Delete all intermediate and target files" }
  virtual Void clean()
    log.info("clean [$podName]")
    dir := isFantomCore ? devHomeDir : Env.cur.workDir
    Delete(this, dir+`lib/fan/${podName}.pod`).run
    Delete(this, dir+`lib/java/${podName}.jar`).run
    Delete(this, dir+`lib/js/node_modules/${podName}.js`).run
    Delete(this, dir+`lib/es/esm/${podName}.js`).run
    Delete(this, dir+`lib/es/esm/${podName}.d.ts`).run
    Delete(this, dir+`lib/dotnet/${podName}.dll`).run
    Delete(this, dir+`lib/dotnet/${podName}.pdb`).run
    Delete(this, dir+`lib/tmp/${podName}.dll`).run
    Delete(this, dir+`lib/tmp/${podName}.pdb`).run
    Delete(this, scriptDir+`temp-java/`).run
    Delete(this, scriptDir+`temp-dotnet/`).run

  private Bool isFantomCore() { meta["proj.name"] == "Fantom Core" }

// Test

  ** Run the unit tests using 'fant' for this pod
  @Target { help = "Run the pod unit tests via fant" }
  virtual Void test()
    log.info("test [$podName]")

    fant := devHomeDir + `bin/fant`
    cmd  := [fant.osPath, podName]
    if (Env.cur.os == "win32") cmd = ["cmd", "/C"].addAll(cmd)

    Exec(this, cmd).run


// Full

  ** Run clean, compile, and test
  @Target { help = "Run clean, compile, and test" }
  virtual Void full()
