// Copyright (c) 2021, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 05 Aug 2021 Matthew Giannini Creation
using math
** A tagged ASN.1 value
const class AsnObj
// Constructor
protected new make(AsnTag[] tags, Obj? val)
idx := tags.findIndex |tag| { tag.cls.isUniv }
if (idx == null) throw ArgErr("No UNIVERSAL tag specified")
if (idx != tags.size - 1) throw ArgErr("UNIVERSAL tag must be last: ${idx} != ${tags.size-1}")
this.tags = tags
this.val = val
** The tags for this object.
const AsnTag[] tags
** The value for this object.
const Obj? val
// Value
** Get the value as a `sys::Bool`
Bool bool() { val }
** Is this object's universal tag a 'Boolean'
Bool isBool() { univTag == AsnTag.univBool }
** Get the value as an `sys::Int`. If the value is a `math::BigInt` you may lose
** both precision and sign. Use `bigInt` to get the value explicitly
** as a `math::BigInt`.
Int int()
if (val is BigInt) return ((BigInt)val).toInt
return val
** Is this object's universal tag an 'Integer'
Bool isInt() { univTag == AsnTag.univInt }
** Get the value as a `math::BigInt`.
BigInt bigInt()
if (val is Int) return BigInt.makeInt(val)
return val
** Get any of the binary values as a `sys::Buf`. The Buf will be a safe copy
** that can be modified. Throws `AsnErr` if the value is not a binary value.
virtual Buf buf() { throw AsnErr("Not a binary type: ${typeof}") }
** Is this object's universal tag an 'Octet String'
Bool isOcts() { univTag == AsnTag.univOcts }
** Is this an ASN.1 'Null' value
Bool isNull() { val == null && univTag == AsnTag.univNull }
** Get this object as an `AsnOid`
AsnOid oid() { this }
** Is this object's universal tag an 'Object Identifier'
Bool isOid() { univTag == AsnTag.univOid }
** Get the value as a `sys::Str`
Str str() { val }
** Get the value as a `sys::DateTime` timestamp
DateTime ts() { val }
** Get this object as an `AsnColl`
AsnColl coll() { this }
** Get this object as an `AsnSeq`
AsnSeq seq() { this }
@NoDoc virtual Bool isAny() { false }
// Tagging
** Push a tag to the front of the tag chain for this value. Returns
** a new instance of this object with the current value.
** AsnObj.int(123).tag(AsnTag.implicit(TagClass.context, 0))
** AsnObj.int(123).tag(AsnTag.explicit(TagClass.app, 1))
virtual AsnObj push(AsnTag tag)
typeof.method("make").call([tag].addAll(this.tags), this.val)
** Apply rules for 'EXPLICIT' and 'IMPLICIT' tags to obtain
** the set of effective tags for encoding this object.
AsnTag[] effectiveTags()
acc := AsnTag[,]
AsnTag? prev := null
tags.each |tag|
if (prev == null) acc.add(tag)
else if (prev.mode === AsnTagMode.explicit) acc.add(tag)
prev = tag
return acc
** Get the single effective tag for this object. Throws an error
** if there are multiple effective tags
AsnTag tag()
etags := this.effectiveTags
if (etags.size > 1) throw AsnErr("Multiple effective tags: $etags")
return etags.first
** Get the univ tag for this object
AsnTag univTag() { tags.last }
** Is this a primitive type?
Bool isPrimitive()
switch (univTag)
case AsnTag.univSeq:
case AsnTag.univSet:
return false
return true
// Obj
final override Int hash()
res := 31 + tags.hash
res = (res * 31) + valHash
return res
protected virtual Int valHash() { val?.hash ?: 0}
final override Bool equals(Obj? obj)
if (this === obj) return true
that := obj as AsnObj
if (that == null) return false
// for objects, tag equality is strict
these := this.tags
those := that.tags
if (these.size != those.size) return false
eq := these.all |t,i| { t.strictEquals(those[i]) }
if (!eq) return false
return valEquals(that)
protected virtual Bool valEquals(AsnObj that) { this.val == that.val }
override Str toStr()
"${tags} ${valStr}"
protected virtual Str valStr() { "${val}" }